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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Going flight line, Lexi locks horns with Bodie, while Crystaltries to get to the bottom of what Jeremy's been smuggling --and how it's connected to Wheezer's crash.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Jade helps guide a small group of survivors into the Chunnel,but terror awaits. Albert warns Umbrella about Joy's horrificside effects.
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    As Olivia and Malcolm's family grows in unexpected andquestionable ways, she is committed to giving them a childhoodfull of joy and safety, no matter the cost. However, herefforts prove to be futile as she battles the evils of FoxworthHall, and her husband's twisted obsession over a family secretsevers their relationship even further.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Struggling with his transition to maximum security prison,Jimmy initiates a friendship with Larry. New holes in Larry'sstories are uncovered.
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    The afterlife comes calling. A will scribbled on a Forever 21receipt, a hoped-for prom date, lava lamps: the power offriendship must shine through.
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    To elude Umbrella, Jade seeks help from an unlikely source. AsAlbert tries to cover for his daughters, Billie begins toexhibit troubling symptoms.
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    Coming Soon...
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    YOLO - or do you only live twice? Two besties get real whileconfessions fly. Old footage and a new hashtag threaten Erika'sfame.
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    While on a research mission, Jade crosses paths with a gang ofscavengers. Years earlier, Jade and Billie try to make a freshstart in New Raccoon City.
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    Just as the assailants close in on the Red Block, Hugo makes alast-ditch effort to fight back and save his kidnappeddaughter, Laura.
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    Life after death has never been so - popular. Gia confrontsErika and connects with Gavin. All hell breaks out when BFFsturn and the truth emerges.
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    Word gets out: Erika's cool, not chill - and the queen ofParkway. But the pressure's on as the temp rises, frenemiessquare off, and a troll surfaces.
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    Montes and Hugo face off over Simón. Manuela makes asurprising accusation against Espada and begs Cherokee toretaliate on her behalf.
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    Kissing away unfinished business can be fun, but questionsremain. Prom looms, but Erika will have to ask fast. In theexcitement, Gia feels unseen.
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    With deaths piling up, the guards are forced to unite with thepatients to fend off the attackers. Montes questions Hugo'sjudgment.
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    After ghosting Jake C., Erika needs to deal with herunfinished business. With promposals and paranormal activity inthe air, the end is near. Maybe.
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    As the attackers make progress on the Green Block's door,Cherokee stages a revolt in Red Block and Hugo's kids are usedas leverage.
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    Nurse-out-of-water Hayley joins the fast-paced team of nursesand pilots at SkyMed, flying air ambulances and saving livesin rugged Northern Manitoba.
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    Award-winning stage, film, and television actress AllisonJanney traces her maternal family tree and uncovers aremarkable story that ties her to some of America's firstBritish settlers. She discovers that her 10xgreat-grandmother, and her 11x great-grandfather, were bornin England but died in Massachusetts in the mid-1600s. As sheseeks details about their lives, she learns that the family'sjourney to North America almost ended in tragedy.
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    Kardea Brown makes a meal with her aunt TC to treat TC's fellowchurch volunteers to a low-country feast. First, Kardea cooksup her delicious BBQ Smoked Turkey Wings. Then, Kardea whipsup her Skillet Lima Beans, pan fried with bacon and tomatoes,and a Creamed Corn Casserole. For dessert, Kardea bakes aLemon Pudding Pound Cake that'll have everyone singing herpraises!
  24. Midnight

    Evil 3x7 - TBA

    Evil 3x7 - TBA
  25. until
    WWE NXT UK 255x29 - NXT UK 210
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