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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    General Hospital 255x126 - Ep. #15498
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    General Hospital 255x125 - Ep. #15497
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    Ultimate Fighter 30x10 - Throw Nasty Stuff
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    General Hospital 255x124 - Ep. #15496
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    While Eliza and the Duke struggle around the edges of theirrelationship, private investigator Nash is shot just as Elizaagrees to work with him. As Eliza and Moses work to solve theattempted murder, they realise Eliza was the target.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Coming Soon...
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    Having accepted the loss of her visions, Maggie looks forwardto Amy and Dave's wedding. But everything goes downhill at therehearsal dinner when Jessie reveals that she knows the secretthe whole group has been hiding.
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    Sen. Joe Manchin deals a blow to climate change policy, DulcéSloan tries to make New Yorkers late for work, and the WNBA'sTerri Jackson discusses Russia's detainment of Brittney Griner.
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    Gus attempts to smooth things over with the cartel while Miketies up loose ends.
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    Murphy faces two equally-concerning outcomes as her trialcontinues.
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    Liz turns to Shivani for help finding scientific answers whileBonnie looks to Max for protection. Meanwhile, Kyle and Isobeldeal with the fallout of their actions.
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    Mira uses her newfound powers as Irma Vep to probe deeper intothe lives of those around her. Regina shares news thatthreatens to upend her relationship with Mira. Mira experiencesa spiritual breakthrough after a visit with René.
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    The semifinals begin in Los Angeles where the competing ninjasface up to 10 challenging obstacles, including the newKaleidoscope, Ghost Town, and Spin Zone. The 2 fastest ninjasface off on the Power Tower for a Safety Pass going into theNational Finals.
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    Dan finally feels comfortable in NA, connecting with Sydney– until a surprise turns Dan's safe space upside-down. Kevinstruggles to navigate the politics of his art fellowship.Drew's release from jail comes at a high price.
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    This week on "The 0,000 Pyramid," GRAMMY®-winningrecording artists Wiz Khalifa and Ty Dolla $ign compete for thewinner's circle, meanwhile Bobby Moynihan ("Lightning Wolves")squares off against Ron Funches ("Loot").
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    The Anarchists 1x2 - Episode 2
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    The Great Food Truck Race 15x7 - Close to the Finish Line
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    Stacy scores a big audition for a Broadway show, only to behit on by the director. After his parents demand he make lifechanges, Mikey decides to propose to Tammy. Artie's plans of afather-son project may be in jeopardy with Jimmy's workopportunity.
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    Should auld acquaintance be forgot and days of auld lang syne?
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    Pope prepares to see an old friend. Craig needs Deran's helpwhen Nick's in trouble. J pursues Penny romantically. Andrewwants to be called Pope.
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    Thomas' actions have implicated Elizabeth, and whilst underhouse arrest, Elizabeth must clear her name as she isinterrogated by the Lord Dudley. The Lord Somerset is rocked byhis brother's actions.
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    Emmett helps Kiesha as she struggles with balancing motherhoodand college. Trig and Shaad canvas the community. Jemmaconfronts Jake. Douda issues Tracy an ultimatum.
  25. until
    As gentle giant Randy Ferguson approaches his 40th birthday,his sisters worry that he'll never have a family of his own.That all changes when Randy meets single mom Angela Phillips.But the beautiful life they build together hides an uglysecret.
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