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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Sheila solicits Bunny to fill in for her at promotional events.Greta and Ernie spice up their marriage.
  2. until
    Season finale. Pedro gets unexpected news. Sofía shares herdiscovery. Flora follows Belinda's footsteps.
  3. until
    As NASA scrambles to prepare for the launch to Mars, Margo isconfronted with a harsh personal reality.
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    VICE News Tonight 7x36 - June 23, 2022
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    Kings of Pain 2x5 - Hundred Tiny Screams
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    Forced to flee, Chase finally tells Zoe the truth about hispast, but it might be too late.
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    Jersey Shore: Family Vacation 5x13 - Episode 13
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    Gale coming clean to Geri about the past forces Cordell torelive a part of his he'd buried long ago, and Trey considersCaptain James' latest offer.
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    iMPACT Wrestling 19x25 - Episode 25
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    Robert Irvine heads to Shreveport, La., to meet Mavice, theowner of her father's legacy restaurant, Eddie's. The seafoodspot is best known for its famous stuffed shrimp, but neitherthe signature dish nor the restaurant are what they used to be.Mavice's stubborn refusal to adapt is running the food,finances and family into the ground. Robert must convinceMavice to make the changes necessary to save her family'slegacy and their livelihood.
  11. until
    Replacing an old flooring system: saving an old porch:exploring tile options; installing steel I-beams and trusses.
  12. until
    Danny turns up on Jackie's doorstep to question why theevidence of foul play he has uncovered was not mentioned in herpost-mortem report. After tricking his way into her home, hediscovers a link between Jackie and one of the people he hasinterviewed, and speculates about her role in a cover-up -only for her to turn the tables on him.
  13. until
    A humbled and subdued Danny returns to the mortuary to say afinal goodbye to Christina in the company of ex-wife Susannah.However, any attempts to reminisce about Christina as a littlegirl quickly turn into recriminations about why neither of themwas aware of the life she was leading.
  14. until
    MasterChef Junior 8x15 - Junior Edition: The Road to the Finale
  15. until
    Nick Cannon, Bobby Shmurda, YOYO battle it out in games: EatThat Ass Up, Kick 'Em Out the Classroom, Remix, and theWildstyle battle. Bobby Shmurda performs "Shmoney".
  16. until
    The circumstantial evidence that Danny has collected in thecourse of his encounters now leads him to what he expects willbe a showdown with Christina's murderer - urbane pharmaceuticalindustry executive-turned-entrepreneur and investor Harry Carr.But when he goes to challenge him, Danny is taken by surprise.
  17. until
    Danny goes to confront his former police partner Ryan.Initially, he does not mention the CCTV footage that provesRyan was with Christina shortly before she died. But as his oldfriend becomes pricklier and more evasive in response to hisquestioning, it becomes too much for Danny and he reveals whathe knows - prompting an extremely violent reaction.
  18. until
    Against Maia's advice, Danny goes alone to meet withChristina's supplier, who is revealed to be Jaisal Batra, acorrupt former police officer-turned-club owner. Initially,Jaisal easily parries his ex-colleague's clumsy attempts atinterrogation, but Danny's behaviour is increasinglyvolatile, and he takes drastic action in exchange forinformation from Jaisal.
  19. until
    Bruised by his encounter with Nicola, Danny goes to TheCrimson Orchid gentlemen's club to look for Maia, who Nicolahas accused of corrupting Christina. Maia stonewalls Danny'squestions, but when he tells her that Christina may have beenmurdered, her façade of indifference cracks. Danny knows thatChristina was involved in criminal activity, and he assumesMaia has lured her into prostitution, but in the face of herangry denials, he realises that Christina was selling drugs.
  20. until
    Detective Danny Frater arrives at the apartment where hisestranged daughter Christina's body was found, and manages tofind his way inside. As he carries out a search, he isstartled to discover a young woman hiding in the bedroom.Although she does her best to escape, Danny manages to preventher and forces her to answer his questions. She turns out to beChristina's wife, Nicola, and their subsequent conversationreveals as much about Danny's estrangement from his daughter asit does Christina's increasingly dark and complicated life.
  21. until
    When veteran detective Danny Frater turns up at a hospitalmortuary for what he thinks is a routine ID check, he gets adevastating shock. The deceased - a young woman - turns out tobe his estranged daughter, Christina. According to thepost-mortem report, she's taken her own life. Although thepathologist, Jackie Sowden, insists that the evidence pointsoverwhelmingly toward suicide, Danny refuses to accept herfindings, and he forces Jackie to take him through herexamination step-by-step.
  22. until
    On an all-new episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Chanel, andSteelo wish they could fly private in NEED A PJ, trash hotelrooms in DO NOT DISTURB, and review the lawbook in IS THATLEGAL?
  23. until
    On an all-new episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Chanel, andSteelo can't find their keys and are LOCKED OUT, they getDREAM DRUNK and let it all HANG FREE.
  24. until
    On an all-new episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Chanel, andSteelo live lawless in WE PURGIN?, try and stay dry in LANDCREATURES, and are overcome with kleptomania in IMPULSECRIMES.
  25. until
    On an all-new episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Chanel, andSteelo team up for some GROUP PROJECTS, hit the gym in GETTINGBACK INTO IT and push dads to the limit with DONE DADS.
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