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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    As hunger rapidly sets in, the remaining participants rush toget familiar with the land and do whatever it takes to securefood; one survivalist thinks outside the box for dinner; oneparticipant struggles and makes a costly mistake.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Coming Soon...
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    Now and Then 1x5 - Face to Face
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    Obi-Wan Kenobi 1x3 - Part III
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    Physical 2x1 - Premiere
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    iCarly 2x10 - iThrow A Flawless Murder Mystery Party
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    Season finale. As Kirby's reality spirals, she sets her sightson finally tracking down Harper.
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    Kings of Pain 2x2 - Arachnophobia
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    The four remaining junior chefs pair up with WWE Superstars,who are much more comfortable in the ring. The winning juniorreceives tickets to a WWE match! In the elimination challenge,the chefs prepare one of Gordon Ramsay's signature dishes. Findout whose dish can live up to the great Gordon Ramsay's.
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    Twyla is tapped to assist the Rangers on a case as she andCordell are beginning to grow closer. Meanwhile Stellare-evaluates her feelings for Todd and Colton while Geriextends an olive branch to Denise.
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    Station 19 5x20 - TBA
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    Masterchef Junior Season One winner Alexander Weiss makes asurprise return, as the chefs are challenged to filet as manyfish as they can in 15 minutes. The three chefs who filet theleast number of fish will need to create a show-stopping salmondish to make it to the final four.
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    In Stone Mountain, Ga., the failing Sweet Potato Cafe isdestroying its owners' finances and their 25-year marriage.Karen feels burnout from carrying most of the responsibilitiesfor the business while Darrell takes a back seat. Robert Irvinemust convince Darrell to pull his weight in the cafe and helprekindle Karen's passion in the kitchen or else their businessand their relationship may not survive.
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    Top Chef 19x14 - The Final Plate
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    With winter approaching, villagers of Port Protection unite tobuild new homesteads and stockpile fish.
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    A new chimney facade is made to look old with a brick veneer:selecting kitchen cabinets; cleaning the exterior of the housein preparation for paint; a hot air balloon ride.
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    The annual Midsomer Scarecrow Festival takes a grisly turn asbodies begin appearing on poles displayed alongside their strawcreations. The investigation reveals rivalries that run deepand shows people will do just about anything to win.
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    Love in the Jungle 1x5 - Episode 5
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    The citizens of Port Protection race to build shelter for theirnewest resident before the brutal and unforgiving winter hitsthe town.
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    This Old House 43x31 - Saratoga Springs: TBD
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    The Weekly with Charlie Pickering 8x5 - Episode 5
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    Watch What Happens Live 19x88 - Kandi Burruss, Lil Jon
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    Love in the Jungle 1x4 - Episode 4
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    Fantasy and greed combine in this re-imagining of thetraditional folktale of a siren whose song lures men to theirdoom. But her sorcery fails to work on the deaf knight,Jibaro, and the Golden Woman becomes fascinated by him.
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