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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    The team chases an oligarch who goes on a terror spree in NYCin a desperate attempt to escape an impossible situation.
  2. until
    As a monster hurricane approaches New York, Bloom and the teamscramble to put preparations in place. Max and Helen make plansfor an intimate New York wedding as she returns from London.Iggy and Martin reach a crossroads. Reynolds finally makescontact with his father.
  3. until
    Over 100 years before the deadly COVID-19 pandemic set off anationwide wave of fear and anti-Asian sentiment, an outbreakof bubonic plague in San Francisco's Chinatown unleashed asimilar crisis. The death of a Chinese immigrant in 1900 wouldhave likely gone unnoticed if a sharp-eyed medical officerhadn't discovered a swollen black lymph node on his body —evidence of one of the world's most feared diseases, bubonicplague. When others started dying, health officials andbusiness leaders were torn about how to stave off an epidemicwithout causing panic and derailing the city's booming economy.A fascinating medical mystery and timely examination of thetense relationship between the medical community, citypowerbrokers, and San Francisco's Chinese-Americancommunity, Plague at the Golden Gate tells the grippingstory of the desperate race against time to save San Franciscoand the nation from the deadly plague. Based on David K.Randall's Black Death at the Golden Gate, the film featuresinterviews with a fascinating range of medical experts,authors, and Asian-American historians.
  4. until
    When a private jet carrying American citizens is shot downoutside of a small town in Poland, the Fly Team looks into theman who missed the flight. Also, Forrester is conflicted whenhe receives information from his mother.
  5. until
    Expect the unexpected when Amy and Chris invite Matt and Carynto dinner. Caryn buys Matt a new contraption to help rechargetheir relationship. As Zach prepares to break a powerliftingrecord, injuries and weight issues threaten his goal.
  6. until
    Brad "The Buzzsaw" Rutter makes his first official appearanceof season three. As the featured Chaser, Rutter takes on anEnglish professor, medical science liaison and a criminaldefense attorney while Sara Haines (ABC's "The View") hosts.
  7. until
    Sig scrambles to get home for Bairdi and Mandy's baby as hiscrew finds a honey hole of Russian King Crab. Josh's brotherShane gets caught in the bight as a typhoon slams the CorneliaMarie. Rip faces a crisis when a greenhorn collapsesunconscious.
  8. until
    As the team investigates a deadly robbery that garnered a cacheof automatic weapons for the killers, they discover one of theperps is a classmate of Jubal's son, who is reluctant tocooperate.
  9. until
    Exploring a complex in Georgia pointing into deep space thatalmost discovered a signal from aliens.
  10. until
    Gruen 14x2 - Episode 2
  11. until
    Exploring a picturesque French castle, the ruins of a KansasCity hospital, an ancient Turkish city, and an island inIreland that brought its inhabitants closer to God.
  12. until
    LEGO Masters 4x14 - Grand Finale
  13. until
    LEGO Masters 4x13 - Sky's The Limit
  14. until
    The Kitchen hosts have shortcuts, easy recipes and tips forflavorful weeknight meals. Geoffrey Zakarian makes a quick andeasy Peanut Sauce over Shrimp Skewers and Rice Noodles. JeffMauro has a twist on a classic with a Turkey Reuben, and KatieLee Biegel makes Easy Veggie Marinara Ravioli Bake in mereminutes. Alex Guarnaschelli's Chicken Cutlets "Saltimbocca"with Prosciutto and Sage "jumps in your mouth." Plus, thehosts share instant upgrades for everyday meals, and Jet Tilastops by!
  15. until
    Gruen 14x1 - TBA
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    Coming Soon...
  17. until
    On her birthday, Ole Golly revisits a list of everything shewanted to do by the age of 35-and Harriet is determined to helpher complete it.
  18. until
    Young, dumb and full of... blood, lots and lots of blood, a'roid-raging, adrenaline-fuelled force of US soldiers faces afoe unlike any they have faced before, the result of a CIAexperiment that gets really ******* Grizzly.
  19. until
    Irene goes to new lengths to help Jude. Stella and Denise bothvisit places that haunt their past. Franklin gives Byron anunexpected gift.
  20. until
    As a monster hurricane approaches New York, Bloom and the teamscramble to put preparations in place. Max and Helen make plansfor an intimate New York wedding. Iggy and Martin reach acrossroads. Reynolds finally makes contact with his father.
  21. until
    As the M.C. strikes against the Sons, EZ finds himself at anunexpected crossroads.
  22. until
    When a private jet carrying American citizens is shot downoutside of a small town in Poland, the Fly Team looks into theman who missed the flight. Also, Forrester is conflicted whenhe receives information from his mother.
  23. until
    The Big Three come to new understandings about life.
  24. until
    The team chases an oligarch who goes on a terror spree in NYCin a desperate attempt to escape an impossible situation.
  25. until
    In 2032, candidate Johnson rides the ups and downs of electionday. In 1984, Rocky and Ata are at a crossroads with theirfutures in wrestling. In 1987, teenage Dwayne learns that thefamily is leaving Nashville.
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