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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Housemates past and present come face to face. Tim gives us alay of the land and his first impression on the new housemates.He also notices some serious flirting between two housemates.
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    Hamilton 2x8 - TBA
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    Hamilton 2x7 - TBA
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    Twenty-six alphabetical mystery boxes contain singleingredients that correspond with the letter on the box. Chefsmust cook using their designated ingredient, with the bottomfour headed for a pressure test.
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    Who will crack in an 'eggscellent' elimination challenge thatsees contestants given just one egg to create the tastiestdish? Fail, and they must scramble to cook for their lives inround 2.
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    An eerie ghost village in west-central France appears as if itwere mysteriously abandoned and destroyed all at once; expertsinvestigate and uncover the remains of a derelict settlementleft as a memorial to a murderous WWII Nazi raid.
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    LEGO Masters 4x9 - Blown Away
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    Callum's life hangs in the balance as he awaits his day incourt. Sephy works tirelessly to clear Callum's name and Judehatches a plan to break him out of prison.
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    Toni feels like a new woman. Nothing can stop her now... Paulaturns a corner with Ashley. And a failed hook-up leads Rana todiscover that the meaning of life might not revolve around herlibido!
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    There is no bigger night in Derry than Halloween, and the ganghave miraculously secured tickets to the gig of the century andthe chance to meet their idol, Fatboy Slim. But when Da Gerryarrives unannounced, it becomes clear that life will never bethe same again for the friends.
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    Arriving at Alla Wolf-Tasker's Lake House restaurant,contestants must re-create his summer cucumbers with Murray coddish. The contestant whose dish least resembles Alla's will begoing home.
  12. until
    Shaun and Lea make a big life decision and are pleasantlysurprised by the support they receive from their friends at thehospital. Meanwhile, when Dr. Wolke's parents show up with arevelation, Asher struggles to accept that he and his fathermay never truly understand one another.
  13. until
    A back injury leaves Paul high on Leah's supply, as he raidsher collection of heavy-duty painkillers. As Luke and his dadget closer, Ally and Ava drift further apart, and Ally looksfor someone to blame.
  14. until
    Captain Milius returns to Hawai'i for a secret prisonerexchange operation, and brings in Jane to be his personalsecurity escort in the Philippines, where the exchange willtake place.
  15. until
    Jenkins pivots after a high-speed car chase yields no drugs.During his interview with the Feds, former officer MauriceWard recalls how Jenkins remained unscathed as the GTTF'ssupervisor - despite a series of illegal incidents. Steeleconfronts Davis about a list of cops who lied in court, andthe city is rocked by the Freddie Gray protests.
  16. until
    NCIS investigates the unexpected death of a Navy reservist whowas an investigative journalist. Also, Knight and Jimmy'sbudding romance is put on hold when a vital organ transfer goesfatally wrong.
  17. until
    Kim and Jimmy enlist a knowledgeable contact: Howardscrutinizes Jimmy's business practices.
  18. until
    During Homecoming week, Simone, and Thea get ready to competein a professional tournament and face opponents that challengethem in different ways. With the encouragement of JR, Damontries to reveal how much he wants to share with his mother.Coach Marcus is spiraling out of control and reveals a bigsecret leaving the team once again divided. Keisha is ready toface her fears and is afraid she may be too late but is readyto fight for what she wants. Meanwhile, Amara comes up with aplan to help Bringston, but things don't go as she hoped.
  19. until
    Captain Strand and the 126 come together when one of their ownis trapped after a building explosion. Meanwhile, Owenreflects on his 9/11 experience, T.K. and Carlos come to adecision and Tommy and Julius decide on their future.
  20. until
    With Dele's dream of becoming a doctor dashed, Bob,Abishola, Tayo and the rest of the family scramble to find hima new career path - but when the pressure mounts, Dele turnsto a surprising source for advice on dealing with his family.
  21. until
    When Tina reunites with her former girl group after decadesapart, old issues are reignited, threatening to derail thetrio's big performance.
  22. until
    With Spencer and Asher's tension at an all-time high, JJ plansa party for the gang. Olivia goes against her instinct about anarticle causing friction between her and Spencer. Jordan istrying to hide his feeling by making some uncharacteristicchoices that doesn't go unnoticed by his friends. Coop isthriving in her new job, leaving Patience to see a new side ofCoop. Meanwhile, Grace joins Billy on his all-nighter ofprotecting the school from the Halloween vandal and shares somenews of her own with him.
  23. until
    Another day in the life of the 118, as its members race torescue a cliffside wellness retreat guru after his followersturn on him. Then, they respond to an emergency call at anupscale hair salon. Meanwhile, Maddie contemplates returningto work, Eddie and May make decisions on their future, as doBuck and Taylor, and the 118 gathers for a surprise wedding.
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    Vampire in the Garden 1x1 - Episode 1
  25. until
    Ziwe explores the moral intricacies of being a rich butbenevolent capitalist with comedians Nicole Byer and HannibalBuress and then launches her own conglomerate, Ziwe &Sons. Featuring iconic special guest Ronald Metellus.
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