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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Bold opinions, discussion and debate centered on the topstorylines from around the league. Malika Andrews hosts thispregame show with analysts Kendrick Perkins, Chiney Ogwumike,Richard Jefferson, and Adrian Wojnarowski.
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    Guest chef Curtis Stone leads teams out to the garden for afast food versus fancy food service. With 80 ravenous dinerswaiting, the winners will head to the next immunity challenge.
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    The Real World Homecoming 3x3 - Outta Bounds Part 2
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    As Dolores and Jennifer go head-to-head, Melissa's feelingsover not being asked to be Teresa's bridesmaid creates anastonishing rift between the Gorga's and the Giudice's.
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    Inexplicably reunited with the baby, Natasha scrambles tolocate his mother and uncovers an alarming pattern of events ona thumb drive. Later, after her friends confuse the situationfurther, Natasha reaches out to her estranged sister Bobbi.
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    The OLG staff take their side hustles to the next level asPatrick debuts his new oil line, Dom focuses on her dancecareer and Brian pitches a business plan to Todd; Phillip'spast is exposed as Patrick takes the next step in hisrelationship.
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    Ernie Johnson, Charles Barkley, Kenny Smith and ShaquilleO'Neal discuss and give analysis of tonight's games, includinghighlights and interviews.
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    The Real World Homecoming 3x2 - TBD
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    In the first case, best friends go head-to-head in thecourtroom when one claims the other owes money for expensespaid while they were out performing on tour. In the secondcase, a woman sues her former best friend for damaging herscalp and causing hair loss after using a bad product. In thethird case, a mother and daughter battle it out over theirfamily business, where one sues the other for lost wages whilethe other countersues for lost profits, on the season finale.
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    In the first case, business partners are at odds when one suesthe other for reimbursement of money owed for a parking passthat the other claims she doesn't owe because the pass wasnever used. In the second case, a son is livid after findingout that his mother threw out his collector item and is nowsuing her for the replacement value. In the third case, formerfriends and co-workers butt heads when one sues the other forhotel reimbursement fees and emotional distress when the otherdecided to cancel the trip last minute.
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    Naomi must make a decision to protect those she loves most,but in the end, Naomi needs those closest to her to battle apowerful being that has been hunting her since birth. And whileeveryone has an opinion about what Naomi's future should be,her greatest power will manifest only when she stops believingeverything she once thought to be true... and chooses her owndestiny.
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    After having visions from her brief time on Earth-29, Naomiseeks the advice of her protectors - Dee, Zumbado, Greg, Jenand Akira - but no one can agree on a plan... and Naomi feelssidelined in decisions about her own future. After Naomireceives a special gift from Akira, she sets off on a roadtrip with Annabelle in search of a specific place from a newvision... but something is tracking them closely. Meanwhile,Anthony's attempt to get Naomi's attention by revisiting the"Superman stunt" results in an unlikely alliancewith Lourdes... but danger looms the closer they get to thetruth.
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    When a young boy comes into the hospital with a rare diseasewhich leaves his bones incredibly fragile, Cade's father,Ian, scrubs in to assist in the surgery, leaving Cade all onher own in her recovery. With his clinical trial officiallybeing declared a success, Devon has some huge decisions tomake about the future of his career. Meanwhile, Billiestruggles with some new feelings.
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    The murder of a TSA agent leads the team to hunt down a killerwho is using drug mules to exploit airport securitycheckpoints. Also, OA struggles to cope with the aftermath ofthe sarin gas exposure and the 10th anniversary of his armyfriend's death in Afghanistan.
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    Tensions rise as Titi B'.s petition to recall Mayor Bremergains traction. Jayden panics over having to side with Arpiagainst Neil. Mikaela and James' first kiss leaves something tobe desired.
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    Shane and Clifford have a plan to abduct the wife of a wealthyhedge fund manager. If he won't pay them the money, they'llsnip her ears off to prove they mean business. Everything inthe plan depends on everyone playing their part right to theend. It's totally foolproof - isn't it?
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    Coming Soon...
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    Coming Soon...
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    Coming Soon...
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    The divided M.C. comes together in honour of their fallenbrothers.
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    Max discovers a fatal flaw in Dr. Fuentes' scheme to purchasethe UMI medical clinic, which could be her ultimate undoing.Bloom treats two high school students for life-threateninginjuries and uncovers a dangerous situation. Reynolds helps abrother and sister confront a family crisis.
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    The Fly Team works to hunt down the sniper responsible forkilling an American during an attack targeting a biomedical labin Belgium. Also, Jaeger clashes with her boss at Europol overher allegiance to the Fly Team.
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    The team searches for a murderer recreating the chillingkillings of a notorious '80s mobster.
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    The Big Three makes a plan for Rebecca.
  25. until
    Moses' trial begins. Brannigan testifies and a discoverythreatens to derail Franklin's defense. Joshua facesrepercussions while Franklin gets an ultimatum.
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