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Everything posted by Midnight

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    Big Brother Canada 10x29 - Episode 29
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    Side Hustle 2x16 - Sand Storm
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    When the CFO of a Fortune 500 company is found strangled in herhome, Bernard and Cosgrove work to connect multiple dead endsto find her killer. The prosecution is faced with an uphillbattle as McCoy and Price butt heads over a choice that couldcost them the case.
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    iMPACT Wrestling 19x18 - Episode 18
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    On an all-new episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Chanel and Steelofall for some ANIMAL PRANKS, grab their sleeping bags forPAJAMA-RAMA, and witness the damage when I CAN'T DRIVE STICK.
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    On an all-new episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Chanel and Steelosuffer with our friends across the pond and their BRITISHPROBLEMS, watch what happens when things go from BAD TOWORSE, and celebrate some spectacular staches in IT'S A ME,MARIO.
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    The sewers take to their marks for Sports Week as host SaraPascoe sets three new challenges.Patrick and Esme's PatternChallenge is a Sewing Bee first: a pair of high-top trainers.Sewing bespoke footwear means tackling a range of unfamiliartechniques, including punching eyelets and stitching soles -all of which must be done twice to create a perfect pair.Thesewers need to be on the ball in the Transformation Challenge,converting old netball kits into a garment to wear off thecourt in just 90 minutes. For the Made to Measure Challenge,they each fit a jacket inspired by their sporting hero. As wellas fit and finish, the judges will be looking to see if theirhero's personality or style is evident.Who will win garment ofthe week, and who will be last over the finish line?
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    On an all-new episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Chanel, andSteelo celebrate PERFECT ACCIDENTS, talk about the darkness ofOLD NEWS, and things that make you shout NOT IN THE CAR!
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    Suspicions grow regarding Neve's ex-boyfriend Joseph and whatpart he may have had to play in her death.
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    Paul Merton and Ian Hislop are joined by guest host RichardAyoade.
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    In the season finale, personal pressures reach a boilingpoint, while professionally, the American boss plans to visitLondon, where a high-profile client is expected to be landinga massive franchise role.
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    When one of Pike's officers goes missing while on a secretmission for Starfleet, Pike has to come out of self-imposedexile. He must navigate how to rescue his officer, whilestruggling with what to do with the vision of the future he'sbeen given.
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    With just hours until the Europa Launch, Picard and the crewfind themselves in a race against time to save the future.
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    Hazel is moved by Byron's meaningful gesture, while OtherHazel looks to bring Other Byron into the real world. Jasperenlists Zelda for a dangerous mission. Judiff's search bringsher closer to the truth.
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    Where are we?! What's happening?!
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    Every desperate deal. Every broken promise. Every bloodymurder. Eager to leave their murky past behind, the Byrdesmake a final bid for freedom.
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