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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    The Voice 11x5 - Blind Auditions 5
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    The Voice 11x4 - blind auditions 4
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    Neve Kelly discovers that she is dead and understandably isscared and confused by this new stare, but when she realisesshe has been murdered, she is furious. Determined to find herkiller and get justice, she takes advantage of her newsupernatural abilities to go where the police can't andinvestigate her own death.
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    The Voice 11x3 - Blind Auditions 3
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    Hard-as-nails Detective Inspector Katrina, a divorcee andsingle mum, is determined to crack the case of the missingboy. But there's also her drinking, her love life and herinner demons. She doesn't want help, but it turns up anyway.
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    Alma and Becca meet a stranger.
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    Nathan angers Wendy by making Charlotte and Jonah a surprisingoffer. Ruth tries to erase her own past with an assist fromCharles Wilkes.
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    Relationships all over the office reach breaking points due tounspecified boundaries, while Jonathan must manage those of amarried acting couple client.
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    Coco's last day. Michelle struggles with the future. TheCarters and Roys both try to find closure after tragedy.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Max orchestrates a plan to get Dr. Fuentes terminated from NewAmsterdam once and for all. Helen confronts her medicalcomplication. Iggy helps two patients deal with a breakup,which forces him to consider his own marriage. Bloom and Dr.Castries reach an understanding.
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    Internal strife bleeds into club business. An old enemy hasfound sanctuary south of the border.
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    Desperate to reach helicopter range before his deckhand dies,Captain Rip charges into an Arctic storm to attempt theriskiest USCG rescue in recent history. Sig takes his firstNorwegian rogue wave, while John struggles to save the TimeBandit.
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    Miguel over the years.
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    When one of the doctors is shot outside the hospital, the ERis put into lockdown and the team races to save one of theirown. Elsewhere, Devon and The Raptor work with a patient wholearns he is unable to receive a lung transplant, due to hisvaccination status. Meanwhile, Devon and Leela try to jugglethe new dynamics of their relationship and Cade's fatherarrives at Chastain.
  16. until
    Texas, 1996: Dwayne's first match will be for the WWF. Aftermeeting legends and future legends backstage, he soondiscovers there's more to the match than just the moves - heneeds to get a hostile audience to care.
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    We pick up right where we left off with Jon-El smirking atLois, who is still standing on the porch with Jordan. Jon-El,catches sight of his doppelganger Jonathan, standing not toofar away. He lunges at him and Jordan tries to intervene butJon-El appears to be stronger and faster than him.
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    Neil accidentally angers mega-influencer Titi B. and mustapologize or deal with the wrath of her followers. Jaydencoaches Arpi on how to be less abrasive at personalappearances.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Coming Soon...
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    Out of options, Callum goes back to the Liberation Militialooking for a way to Muscovy, and Sephy goes back to Kamallooking for absolution in Albion. But both require sacrifices.
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    Tired of life on the run, Callum and Sephy are forced toextreme measures as they try to flee Albion for good.Meanwhile, hate crime against Noughts is on the rise.
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