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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    NCIS Agents Nick Torres and Jessica Knight travel to Hawai'iwhen they learn a key witness in one of their old cases hasturned up there with crucial evidence.
  2. until
    An inmate on a quest for redemption escapes prison. Doak comesup with a plan to take back one of the banks.
  3. until
    Owen fears the past is back to haunt him when a stalker targetshim and Catherine. Meanwhile, Tommy and Gillian faceconsequences when Gillian saves the life of a woman wearing a"Do Not Resuscitate" bracelet.
  4. until
    NCIS investigates the apparent suicide of a retired Navyofficer who was in Palmer and Knight's grief group. Also,Torres gets a call from NCIS Special Agent Jane Tennant to cometo Hawai'i when she gets a lead on a witness from a case theyworked on together.
  5. until
    It all comes to a head as old adversaries clash, with New Edenhanging in the balance.
  6. until
    Elena embraces the feminist cause and has a disagreement withPietro about it. Pasquale and Nadia arrive unexpectedly atElena's home in Florence. They are dirty, rude, andneglected. Pasquale relates to Pietro with hostility. Aftertheir departure Pietro and Elena quarrel: he doesn't wantsomething like that to happen again.
  7. until
    Junior takes a risky new angle on Queenie's numbers game.Marlene's split focus leads to a mother's worst nightmare. Zekeseizes an opportunity to show the power of unity. Lucy bets onherself.
  8. until
    Simone is excited that Baby Shay is coming to town, butanother visitor she wasn't expecting surprises her as well,thanks to Amara. Damon struggles on the field, while familydrama could threaten his new bond with his mom. JR goes home totry to get to the bottom of what is going on with his parents,but not before he does something rash. Meanwhile, Cam helps topush Keisha to follow her dreams, but her decision could ruinan important relationship.
  9. until
    Bob and Abishola decide her mother has officially overstayedher welcome when Ebunoluwa starts renovating Bob's guest room.Also, when Abishola and Kemi hatch a plan to have a spiritspeak to Ebunoluwa from beyond the grave, Abishola gets moreinformation about her mother than she bargained for.
  10. until
    Calvin's wealthy and impulsive brother Curtis makes a surprisevisit, creating chaos in the Butlers' lives. Also, Dave andGemma run into challenges while trying to declutter their home.
  11. until
    When Crabtree's mentally deranged kidnapper, Amelia, turnsherself in, he braces for trouble.
  12. until
    Chimney is determined to find a missing Maddie amongst thechaos of St. Patrick's Day.
  13. until
    After weeks of hard work at practice and the first game quicklyapproaching, Spencer has high hopes of playing in his firstcollege game. Trying to find his place on the team, Jordanforms a bond with some of the seniors. Asher and Layla haveepiphanies about their respective relationships and realizethey need to deal with it. Coop and Patience finally speaktheir truths leaving them in unknown territory. Meanwhile,Olivia learns an important lesson as she slowly tries to workher way up the ladder at the paper.
  14. until
    A month has passed and with no new leads the case has fallendormant. As the village tries to put the terrible events behindit, PJ is left harbouring doubts about what really happened.When a new discovery reignites the case, PJ is forced toconfront everything he has learnt so far.
  15. until
    Coming Soon...
  16. until
    Dalby challenges General Cathcart, suspecting Americaninvolvement in Dawson's abduction. Harry and Jean head to thePacific atoll where the neutron bomb is to be tested.
  17. until
    Before Varun's engagement party, Ray mends a burned bridge.But at the event, fragile hope, loneliness and several drinksmay add up to trouble.
  18. until
    Anette's study reaches its conclusion, Ellen's ambitions gaintraction, Nadia loses Rasmus to method acting, and Martinafaces a life-altering choice.
  19. until
    No matter how sincerely some white people want to educatethemselves and take action against racism, white comfort seemsto block progress.
  20. until
    With his job and personal life tanking, Ray looks to anunexpected online match for cheering up, and tries a newapproach on his date with Ruchika.
  21. until
    Anette is tasked with finding concrete solutions to herresearch findings, Ellen takes control of her life, Nadiareaches her breaking point, and Martina reenters the datingscene.
  22. until
    Mortified after the previous night, Ray indulges in some alonetime, finally responds to Ruchika and has some awkwardencounters at a house party.
  23. until
    Anette and Andres spice things up in the bedroom, Ellen getsher revenge against Torkel, Nadia flirts with danger atRasmus' trendy new juice bar, and Martina presents her novel,while questioning her newfound happiness.
  24. until
    Ray wavers between pursuing Ruchika and telling Pari a dreadedtruth. Meanwhile, a flawed plan reveals he still has lots tounderstand about women.
  25. until
    The team operate on Jac to try to save her life, Josh'srelationship with Claudia resurfaces, and Lexy receives goodnews about a new kidney.
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