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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    After an affair nearly destroys their marriage, Pat and TerryPhelps move their family from the city to Connecticut, to ahouse that may be haunted.
  2. until
    After an armed robbery crew invades a downtown auction house,the case quickly turns personal for Hondo when his sister,Winnie (April Parker Jones), is taken as one of the hostages.
  3. until
    The Matthews family must choose which of the two settlementsthey will join. Meanwhile, Jade comes to terms with hissituation and Boyd is faced with an impossible decision thatstrikes at the very heart of life in the town.
  4. until
    Officer Harper puts Officer Aaron through &quot:Plain ClothesDay", but the exercise is interrupted by an unsuspectedvisitor. After two witnesses for an upcoming grand jury caseare murdered, the team must track down the killers before it'stoo late.
  5. until
    Uber engineers develop new technology to help skirt their legalproblems while working towards slaying the biggest giant yet:New York and the taxi commissions. Travis rewards the Uber teamfor their hard work with a blowout in Las Vegas, courting theunwanted attention of the press. Friction develops betweenTravis and Angie.
  6. until
    As the Commission's announcement draws near, Prince mustdecide just how far he'll go to secure his bid. Chuck,determined to find wrongdoing in Prince's pursuit of thegames, follows a lead. Mase Carb develops a new algorithm,and Taylor uses it to their advantage. Chuck and Wendyreconnect.
  7. until
    Peter hires the town's new lawyer, Brick Baker, to representhim in litigation against his new neighbor... who turns out tobe Brick. Meanwhile, Brian and Stewie become lobstermen andsave Rupert from the perils of the deep.
  8. until
    Eugene looks for Stephanie: Connie investigates a story onTrooper Davis; Carol helps Hornsby.
  9. until
    Change is in the air for Hope Valley with the foundry to bebuilt and the upcoming mayoral election. Elizabeth arrives homefrom a trip to Hamilton. A potential investor arrives in townto discuss the oil business with Lucas.
  10. until
    Tommy is offered a profitable solution, from an unlikelysource, that may be the answer to his troubles. Intrigued,Tommy is informed he must first address a problem threateningthe new venture before it begins.
  11. until
    Linda encourages Teddy to attend a farewell ceremony for theship on which he served in the Navy, but it means confrontinghis Navy pals.
  12. until
    Judy relaunches the Saved by the Spells, a legendary secretsociety. Meanwhile, Honeybee and Wolf have a surprising week,and Moon makes a new friend on his CB radio.
  13. until
    Bart, Martin and the bullies are on the run for their liveswhen a wilderness weekend takes a chilling turn.
  14. until
    Eve confronts Helene and seeks her aid against The Twelve.Villanelle's attempts to reform continue.
  15. until
    McCall and Mel work with a jaded ex-cop to find the killers ofa beloved Chinese American restaurant owner, who was thevictim of a hate crime masked to look like an accidentalelectrical fire.
  16. until
    The Circus returns with the world on edge following Russia'sinvasion of Ukraine. John Heilemann reports from on the groundin neighboring Poland with U.S. Ambassador Mark Brzezinski;Jennifer Palmieri is at the White House with Press SecretaryJen Psaki immediately following President Biden's first Stateof the Union address; plus, Alex Wagner examines theescalating standoff between Presidents Biden and Putin and MarkMcKinnon looks at the political tensions on Capitol Hill amidstthe evolving crisis. Season premiere.
  17. until
    Coming Soon...
  18. until
    Jamie's authority is tested when an old rival from Ardsmuirshows up to settle on the Ridge. Claire finds a new way to copewith the trauma of her assault by Lionel Brown.
  19. until
    Michael Cudlitz and Josh McDermitt discuss the episode of "TheWalking Dead," "Rogue Element."
  20. until
    Eugene looks for Stephanie after she mysteriously goesmissing; Connie investigates a story on Trooper Davis; Carolhelps Hornsby with a labor dispute at a drug farm.
  21. until
    Host Jane Lynch leads eight strangers as they test theirrapid-fire trivia knowledge; only one champion is leftstanding to take home up to million and escape hearing thefamous last words, "You are the weakest link. Goodbye."
  22. until
    Change is in the air for Hope Valley with the foundry that's tobe built and the upcoming mayoral election. Elizabeth arriveshome from a trip to Hamilton. A potential investor arrives intown to discuss the oil business with Lucas.
  23. until
    Tournament of Champions 3x2 - The Randomizer's Revenge
  24. until
    Wild 'N Out 17x6 - Dave East
  25. until
    Australian Survivor 9x17 - Episode 17
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