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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Make Music Count highlights the next generation of mathcurriculum that helps to improve math skills among youths, byteaching through pop and hip-hop songs.
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    Now that Shaun has called off the wedding, he is forced toconfront Lea about their relationship and determine what hereally means to her. Meanwhile, the team debate their opinionson plastic surgery and Dr. Audrey Lim hopes to expose Salen'scover-up over an infant's death to take her down before it istoo late.
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    Tommy's former foe-turned-friend is at the mercy of a notoriouscriminal organization that resurfaces to reclaim what'stheirs; the group is led by an enemy from Tommy's life back inNew York who is still out for blood.
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    Peaky Blinders 6x1 - Black Day
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    Paw Patrol 8x37 - Rescue Knights: Pups Save a Dozing Dragon
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    Watch What Happens Live 18x238 - MYA ALLEN, ANDREA DENVER,and CIARA MILLER
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    American Auto 1x9 - Charity Dinner
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    Coming Soon...
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    While Jane is questioned following Maggie Shaw's arrest, therest of the team investigates a mysterious case of Marines withdamaged ear canals from a weapon that emits ultrasonic waves.Also, Ernie visits his friend, Dr. Tony Lee, to identifypossible suspects who had access to his classified weapon.
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    With his future as a doctor on the line, Bash must suppresshis instincts and avoid any chance of risk.
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    While investigating the death of an intruder at Quantico,Jimmy and Kasie are exposed to a deadly biotoxin, and the NCISteam calls on Doctor Carol Wilson for help as they race to findthe antidote. Also, Torres tries to distract Jimmy'sdaughter, who came to the office to spend the day with herdad.
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    As the bomber is revealed, Layton comes to terms with his pastdecisions before making an irreversible call.
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    At her book presentation in Milan, Elena unexpectedly meetsNino. At dinner she realises her infatuation for him has neverabandoned her and begins to have doubts on her fiancé Pietro.
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    When there's a break-in at Calvin's business, he teams up withDave for a stakeout to catch the culprit in the act; Gemma isuncharacteristically reluctant to share her new hobby withTina.
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    Murdoch investigates when a Japanese spy is found dead in aKorean family's cellar.
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    Sam makes a choice.
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    To save a beloved restaurant from closing, Stan must bring the1950s back to Langley.
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    Sam learns some things about her family.
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    A kidnapping orchestrated by Elena puts Val to the test as herpast resurfaces and becomes a part of the bigger play. The FBITask Force contends with an unexpected turn of events in one ofthe banks.
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    When T.K'.s mother, Gwyn, has an emergency, Owen and T.K.travel to New York. But the flight is anything but smooth whenthe plane experiences a mechanical failure. Meanwhile T.K.reflects back when Gwyn helped get him into rehab years ago.
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    Bertha goes all out at a luncheon to impress Mr. McAllister,enlisting the help of Bannister - who rubs Church the wrongway. George fights to protect his public image, while Agnes'status quo is disrupted. As Marian debates her feelings, Mrs.Chamberlain makes her an offer. Gladys bonds with a new friend.Armstrong intensifies her campaign against Peggy.
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    Thony enlists Arman's help to get to Mexico for Luca'stransplant, but plans go dangerously off course when Hayakfinds out Arman is lying to him. Thony finds herself in adesperate situation, forcing her to call upon both the formerdoctor and the newfound "gangsta" in herself.
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    With everything Simone is trying to balance, she starts tocrack but finds the motivation to keep going from a groupassignment with Damon and Thea. Damon struggles to bond withthe team, but with the help of JR, Damon does something thatscares him and gets him back on track. Keisha wrestles withletting go of her dream, while Cam's dream may be over beforeit even started. Meanwhile, Coach Marcus witnesses what thecost of being a whistleblower is having on Amara.
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