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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    After a slew of let-down Tinder dates, Sophie meets theseemingly perfect guy. Meanwhile, her roommate, Valentina,returns home from London Fashion Week with a sexy souvenir. AnUber-related phone mishap leads them to an eclectic new groupof friends.
  2. until
    While Eric and Naomi are conflicted on what is best for JoJo'sfuture as it relates to the entertainment industry, Jillattempts to help a young troubled actor struggling against anoverbearing parent. Elsewhere, Valeria fights for anopportunity to lean into her Puerto Rican heritage.
  3. until
    The team searches for a notorious Colombian drug lord after heescapes from a U.S. prison. Also, Kristin begins to open up toher ex-husband about her past.
  4. until
    When an NYPD officer is detained in Transnistria for aggravatedassault, the Fly Team investigates his claims of infiltratinga sex trafficking ring being concealed by those in power.Also, Forrester receives an unusual message from an unknownsender.
  5. until
    The group travels to Iowa for the opening of a new factory.
  6. until
    When a new computer program is introduced at Abbott, Janine isexcited to finally help Barbara out with something. However,Barbara is reluctant to accept change and finds herself in atricky situation when she decides to lie about her students'results rather than admit defeat. Elsewhere, Melissa surprisesJacob when she offers up a friend to assist with his lesson onunions, but she ends up teaching Jacob an important lessonherself.
  7. until
    Maggie goes undercover working in a bar to investigate ananti-government group that regularly gathers there and hasseveral members suspected in a series of bombings. The caseopens old wounds for her when a single father on the peripheryof the group begins to fear he's in danger of becomingcollateral damage.
  8. until
    Jack, Randall, Kevin and Toby struggle to connect with theirchildren.
  9. until
    As the Illumination Ball nears, Angela and Leah team up todiscover the truth about what happened between Teddy and Eve in1984. Angela must make a choice between Tyrique and Nate.
  10. until
    Clark opens up to Lois about his ongoing struggle with visionsand admits that there is only one person who might be able tohelp. Meanwhile, Lana receives some unexpected news andtensions begin to rise between Lois and Chrissy. Lastly, Sarahbreaks plans with Jordan to spend time with Natalie.
  11. until
    Dre calls into a radio show and gets humiliated in front ofDiane and tries to redeem himself. Meanwhile, Bow tries tobond with a group of young female doctors and learns a hardtruth.
  12. until
    Sherm tags along as Nicky sells a house to a famous rapper.Noah and his date get into a fender bender. Anthony deals withdating while vegan.
  13. until
    Teddy gives Angela an ultimatum. Raymond regains his confidenceand makes an offer to Leah. Aunt Piggy is shocked when a facefrom the past reappears. A death shocks the Franklin/Dupontfamilies.
  14. until
    Natasha meets her match during a quest to deliver a massiveassortment of arcade games to an anime convention. Doug showsoff his trucking gladiator skills while transporting a ninjatraining course, though he runs into more obstacles than hedelivers.
  15. until
    The tag team of Dwight &amp: Tyesha get some heat whenshipping a wrestling ring in Austin and the tight deadline putsthem against the ropes. And will Molly & Russell'sdelivery of a rare blue-eyed baby camel help them get overtheir fighting hump or will the mammal cause more drama?
  16. until
    Host Dan Ahdoot welcomes four chefs to a burger battle in thefirst round, as they raid fridges from a junk food foodie,fitness fanatic and more. Then, the competitors are challengedto make a meal for their vegetarian boss, and one chef findstheir fridge to be a little "ruff." In the final round, thetwo remaining chefs face some puzzling fridges as they attemptto whip up a sweet and salty dessert that will impress judgesJamika Pessoa and Jordan Andino and win them a fridge full of,000.
  17. until
    Queens 1x11 - I'm A Slave 4 U
  18. until
    Dre calls into a radio show and gets humiliated in front ofDiane and tries to redeem himself. Meanwhile, Bow tries tobond with a group of young female doctors and learns a hardtruth.
  19. until
    Following a shocking revelation by Dee, Naomi enlists herfriends to dig deeper into the mystery surrounding unexplainedoccurrences in Port Oswego and whether they have anything to dowith her past. Meanwhile, Naomi's parents are caught off guardby Naomi's interrogations. Another ominous encounter withZumbado leaves Naomi shaken, and she seeks Dee's help intaking the next step to embracing her destiny.
  20. until
    Jack, Randall, Kevin and Toby struggle to connect with theirchildren.
  21. until
    When a new computer program is introduced at Abbott, Janine isexcited to finally help Barbara out with something. However,Barbara is reluctant to accept change and finds herself in atricky situation when she decides to lie about her students'results rather than admit defeat. Elsewhere, Melissa surprisesJacob when she offers up a friend to assist with his lesson onunions, but she ends up teaching Jacob an important lessonherself.
  22. until
    On the eve of Raquel and James' engagement party, Scheana andBrock make a big announcement that sends shock waves throughtheir friend group, while Sandoval confronts Lisa about herlack of support for the Toms' new bar. Meanwhile, Katie andAriana get some good news about their own business, Raquel hasa heart-to-heart with her father about her relationship withJames, and Lala reveals a huge secret that turns the party onits head.
  23. until
    Teddy gives Angela an ultimatum. Raymond regains his confidenceand makes an offer to Leah. Aunt Piggy is shocked when a facefrom the past reappears. A death shocks the Franklin/Dupontfamilies.
  24. until
    The Curse of Oak Island 9x11 - A Boatload of Clues
  25. until
    Grand Crew 1x5 - Wine & Hip Hop
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