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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Coming Soon...
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    Mark and Digger break the sound barrier finishing a run ofstraight rye for a Southern Rock customer; Richard makes a BigEasy classic for a demanding New Orleans chef; Jerry gets hisshine groove back helping Mike reinvent a taste of the South.
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    A tragic accident occurs at Jessica's sister's gender revealparty, putting her brother-in-law's life in jeopardy.Meanwhile, Conrad, Irving & Trevor work on an influencerwhose life was put in danger by a risky cosmetic surgery.Then, Bell is cleared for his first surgery back and Billie isforced to face her past head-on.
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    A past blunder throws Vivian off balance while delving intoAnna's stay at a swanky hotel, where she befriended - andlavishly tipped - concierge Neff.
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    When Jules feels that her friend group is unraveling, sherevives their made-up friendship holiday, Codependence Day.Madison gets closer to old friend Ruby despite Jules'sskepticism about her. Stella tries to prove her commitment toLiv.
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    Coming Soon...
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    As the Queens prepare to be inducted into the Hip Hop Hall ofFame, they cannot help but notice the void Brianna's absencefrom the group has left. Meanwhile, Naomi is waylaid when anold beau questions JoJo's paternity. Elsewhere, Valeria getsready to embark on her solo tour and she wonders if she reallyis ready to go at it alone.
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    Coming Soon...
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    When Junior's girlfriend, Olivia, gets into Yale, he asksBow to convince her to stay and attend USC instead. Meanwhile,Diane and Jack discover Dre's inspiration for his ads arehitting a little too close to home.
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    The Curse of Oak Island 9x16 - Gold Diggers
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    Dre spirals after finding out his white co-worker Griffin has abetter sneaker collection than him. Meanwhile, Bow lets Dianetake a day off from school against Pops' advice.
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    Four wildly carnivorous cooks are thrilled to get a bacon themefor their competition, but can they do justice to one of theirfavorite foods? In the appetizer round, a bold breakfastsandwich joins Berkshire bacon in the basket. Whoever said "anapple a day keeps the doctor away" was not thinking of thebacon-forward apple creation in the entrée basket. Then, asthe final round flies by, the chefs are not particularlyconcerned about how to include bacon in their desserts. Thecruel clock, on the other hand, gives them plenty to worryabout.
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    After Jacob reveals a detail about his personal life, Janinerealizes she doesn't know the other teachers as well as shethought. Meanwhile, as Gregory's stern teaching approach iscausing his whole class to underperform, Barbara and Melissateach him how to relax and make his lessons more fun.
  14. until
    The Curse of Oak Island 9x15 - Eyes and Boot in the Ground
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    A tragic accident occurs at Jessica's sister's gender revealparty, putting her brother-in-law's life in jeopardy.Meanwhile, Conrad, Irving & Trevor work on an influencerwhose life was put in danger by a risky cosmetic surgery.Then, Bell is cleared for his first surgery back and Billie isforced to face her past head-on.
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    WWE NXT 16x7 - NXT Vengeance Day
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    with Lena Waithe and John Leguizamo
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    Gloria tries to maintain her café's perfect rating.
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    America's Test Kitchen 22x6 - Jewish Baking
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    Jersey Shore: Family Vacation 5x6 - TBD
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    Confessions week continues, with some shocking revelations.
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    Confessions week. A new honesty challenge brings some couplesto breaking point.
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    Married at First Sight 9x6 - Episode 6
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    Aussie Gold Hunters 7x5 - Episode 5
  25. until
    Sister Wives 16x12 - One on One: Part 2
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