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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    This year's 16 candidates set sail from Portsmouth, theirfirst task being to come up with marketing campaigns for a newcruise liner.
  2. until
    Ask This Old House 20x13 - Rot Repair, Heat Pumps
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    When a troubled soul from the past returns, Father Brown mustinvestigate the new chapter of the Church of Apollo.
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    Shaman King 1x38 - Graduation
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    Star Trek: Prodigy 1x5 - TBA
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    And Just Like That… 1x6 - TBA
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    VICE News Tonight 7x1 - January 5, 2022
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    Forged in Fire 8x41 - Beat the Unbeaten: Round One
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    When Sam's former boss wakes up months later demanding toresume his duties, she is tasked with supervising thisegotistical expert with a scalpel who never acknowledged herstellar talent. Complicating matters, the caustic and arrogantGriff also happens to be her father. As he defies Sam'sauthority and challenges her medical expertise, the bigquestion becomes whether this father and daughter will ever beable to mend their own relationship as expertly as they healthe hearts of their patients.
  10. until
    American Greed 14x13 - The Life & Crimes of Joel Greenberg
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    The team searches for a missing child in what turns out to be avery complicated case. Burgess and Ruzek are in for a shockwhen someone from Makayla's past comes forward.
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    Tom and Marina must make a difficult choice after they uncovera bombshell revelation about Sofía Salazar. Meanwhile, Connorand JoJo's secret relationship is complicated by Denise andSarah's matchmaking efforts.
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    In the premiere episode, Anne and Cliff have their work cutout for them as they welcome the kitchen chaos, food fumblesand culinary confusion of the twelve new boot camp recruits. While some of the competitors know each other, they are allstrangers to the culinary arts. To start the competition, therecruits must cook a loved one's favorite dish to show theirskills, or lack thereof, in the kitchen. For the main dishchallenge, they must replicate Anne and Cliff's takes on asurf and turf dinner – and the mentors are shocked by thedisastrous results, but still must pick their teams.
  14. until
    Forged in Fire 8x40 - 200th Episode: Fan's Choice
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    Thinking it's Ben's day off, Darlene brings Nick to thehardware store only to run smack into Ben, who invites Nick tojoin him at The Lunch Box to watch a Bears game. Meanwhile,Dan tries to spruce up the bedroom while Louise is out on theroad and Jackie meets Logan's mom.
  16. until
    THE AMAZING RACE begins its historic 33rd trip around the worldwhen 11 new teams take off from their homes and travel to theirfirst destination, London, England.
  17. until
    Skyscrapers are gleaming symbols of prestige and an ingeniousway to save space in dense urban areas. But as buildings riseever higher, what are the risks of these architecturalbehemoths? Do we truly know how they will hold up inearthquakes, fires, and other potential disasters? Whathave--or haven't—we learned from past tragedies?
  18. until
    Skyscrapers are gleaming symbols of prestige and an ingeniousway to save space in dense urban areas. But as buildings riseever higher, what are the risks of these architecturalbehemoths? Do we truly know how they will hold up inearthquakes, fires, and other potential disasters? Whathave--or haven't—we learned from past tragedies?
  19. until
    Skyscrapers are gleaming symbols of prestige and an ingeniousway to save space in dense urban areas. But as buildings riseever higher, what are the risks of these architecturalbehemoths? Do we truly know how they will hold up inearthquakes, fires, and other potential disasters? Whathave--or haven't—we learned from past tragedies?
  20. until
    Stella Kidd returns to Firehouse 51. The team must worktogether to put out a potassium fire in a tunnel. After thatincident, Ritter begins to worry about a young cop whowitnessed the fiery death of a truck driver.
  21. until
    Sam and Kelly take their partnership to new heights when theygo undercover as flight attendants to infiltrate a CentralAmerican gang's drug route.
  22. until
    The Goldbergs (2013) 9x10 - You Only Die Once, or Twice, ButNever Three Times
  23. until
    In the aftermath of the Vas-COM scandal, Goodwin clashes withthe hospital's new compliance officer. Crockett and Blake tryto save a patient who has a son with severe autism. A patient'sson lies to his father about his diagnosis.
  24. until
    Married at First Sight 14x1 - Episode 1
  25. until
    THE AMAZING RACE begins its historic 33rd trip around the worldwhen 11 new teams take off from their homes and travel to theirfirst destination, London, England.
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