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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    The Goldbergs (2013) 9x12 - The Kissing Bandits
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    Will and Stevie get stuck in the middle of a marital face-off.Dr. Blake's entire surgical team mysteriously collapses duringa liver transplant. Charles encourages Ethan to reconcile withhis father.
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    Still Standing 7x3 - Wakefield, Que.
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    Bold opinions, discussion and debate centered on the topstorylines from around the league. Malika Andrews hosts thispregame show with analysts Kendrick Perkins, Chiney Ogwumike,Richard Jefferson, and Brian Windhorst.
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    Max and Helen adjust to sharing their lives and theirproblems, including the challenge of Helen's mother. Bloom andReynolds treat a family after their horrific car accident landsthem in the ED. Iggy and Trevor reach a new understanding intheir business relationship.
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    Jenny and MCP face the consequences of mixing business withpleasure. Kate makes a tough choice at work after a surprisingdiscovery. And in Cochrane, there's a bumpy legal road aheadfor Lionel.
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    1000-lb Sisters 3x10 - Moving On Up And Partying On Down
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    Ernie Johnson, Charles Barkley, Kenny Smith and ShaquilleO'Neal discuss and give analysis of tonight's games, includinghighlights and interviews.
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    Murdoch Mysteries 15x14 - The Witches of East York
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    Host Ernie Johnson readies viewers for NBA action.
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    In the majestic mountains of Utah is a hidden social circlemade up of successful women who have created their own paradisefilled with luxury homes, shopping sprees andmultimillion-dollar businesses and brands
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    It's June 1967, and the Order of St Raymond Nonnatus arecelebrating a very special milestone birthday. It has been 100years since the Order first arrived in Poplar. When SisterJulienne is unable to organise the celebrations, Shelaghbrings the community together for what will be a joyousoccasion.While tending to a patient who has tuberculosis,Sister Frances and Nancy learn that some residents have becomeincreasingly frustrated by the presence of meths drinkers inthe area. As local councillor, Violet must balance herprofessional and personal views in how best to tackle theissue. However, Nancy begins to see past the community's fearand recognises the plight of these homeless addicts.
  13. until
    Workin' Moms 6x2 - Warm Lunch
  14. until
    This Old House 43x13 - Race to the Finish
  15. until
    Bryan Cranston: Sigourney Weaver: musical performance byQuinn XCII.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Coming Soon...
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    Coming Soon...
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    Determined to try and live in the moment, Sophie and the ganghead to an exclusive new club for a wild night out. Valentinahas doubts about her relationship with Charlie. Sid pushesJesse to be open to love. Ellen tries her luck with women atthe club.
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    After a slew of let-down Tinder dates, Sophie meets theseemingly perfect guy. Meanwhile, her roommate, Valentina,returns home from London Fashion Week with a sexy souvenir. AnUber-related phone mishap leads them to an eclectic new groupof friends.
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    While Eric and Naomi are conflicted on what is best for JoJo'sfuture as it relates to the entertainment industry, Jillattempts to help a young troubled actor struggling against anoverbearing parent. Elsewhere, Valeria fights for anopportunity to lean into her Puerto Rican heritage.
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    The team searches for a notorious Colombian drug lord after heescapes from a U.S. prison. Also, Kristin begins to open up toher ex-husband about her past.
  23. until
    When an NYPD officer is detained in Transnistria for aggravatedassault, the Fly Team investigates his claims of infiltratinga sex trafficking ring being concealed by those in power.Also, Forrester receives an unusual message from an unknownsender.
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    The group travels to Iowa for the opening of a new factory.
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    When a new computer program is introduced at Abbott, Janine isexcited to finally help Barbara out with something. However,Barbara is reluctant to accept change and finds herself in atricky situation when she decides to lie about her students'results rather than admit defeat. Elsewhere, Melissa surprisesJacob when she offers up a friend to assist with his lesson onunions, but she ends up teaching Jacob an important lessonherself.
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