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Everything posted by Midnight

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    Marcel and Blake clash with Shentu when a famous footballplayer needs a liver transplant. Scott is reunited with oldfriends when their son breaks his arm. Hammer and Charles worktogether when a patient falls ill after back-alley plasticsurgery.
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    The Conners celebrate Mark when he makes dean's list at his newmagnet school, but when Darlene and the family learn what he'sbeen doing to keep up with his classmates, it's anything but aparty. Meanwhile Jackie continues to navigate her relationshipwith Neville.
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    Mary and Alice continue their sisterly bonding, Ryan, Lukeand Sophie are desperate and willing to do almost anything tostop them... even entertaining a dangerous proposition by ReneeMontoya that finally rid Gotham of Pamela Isley. As the teamhunts for the source of Poison Mary's power - and potentialdemise - Renee is forced to revisit her heartbreaking past.Meanwhile, Marquis grows more unhinged and throws aspectacularly sinister soiree at Wayne Tower... and everyone isinvited.
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    Sara starts to realize her team is making questionable choiceswhen it comes to the timeline. Trying to figure out who isbehind everything, Sara discovers some harsh truths.
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    Shaman King 1x39 - The Summit
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    Star Trek: Prodigy 1x6 - TBA
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    Dr. Sam Griffith fights to keep her new leadership role aschief of surgery when her father and former boss, Dr. Rob"Griff" Griffith, takes his case for reinstatement directly tothe hospital board. Also, resident Dr. Caleb Tucker, Sam'sex, forms an unexpected connection to a patient battling amystery condition.
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    Competitor turned Judge Ben Abbott remains undefeated in theforge, but that could all change. In part three of fiveepisodes, three smiths who suffered broken blades at the handof Ben Abbott hope to rewrite history in a single 5-hour round.Their blades will then be put through an intense round oftesting where only one smith will earn the opportunity to faceBen Abbott and seek their revenge. After a grueling 8-hours andanother round of tests, the judges will decide if this smithhas what it takes to beat, Ben to win ,000.
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    While Connor looks to Tom for advice on how to come clean withDenise about a sensitive matter, Marina is surprised to learnthat Sarah didn't like her when they first met.
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    The hidden scientific secrets of butterflies reveal them to bemore inventive and resilient than we ever imagined. Followtheir extraordinary life cycle and migrations to tropicalrainforests, windswept prairies, and even inside a chrysalisas it's being spun. Discover how butterfly science inspiresgroundbreaking technology, including more efficient solarpower cells and bulletproof vests stronger than Kevlar.
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    The recruits find boot camp transformed into a gladiator-stylearena. Chefs Anne Burrell and Cliff Crooks explain that to be asuccessful chef, the recruits need stamina, speed and adeveloped palate. For the skill drill challenge, the recruitslearn how to make a falafel platter fit for a culinary titan,and in the main dish challenge, they're tasked with makingflavor-packed chicken adobo. Anne and Cliff judge all thedishes, and the battle is over for one recruit.
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    Forged in Fire 8x42 - Beat the Unbeaten: Scrap Steel Challenge
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    Erica and Geoff decide to throw a party to prove to others andthemselves that they can still have fun as a young, engagedcouple. Meanwhile, Beverly assumes control of William PennAcademy as "acting principal" and presses the school faculty toput together a "Fame"-themed send-off for the senior class.
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    Bold opinions, discussion and debate centered on the topstorylines from around the league. Malika Andrews hosts thispregame show with analysts Kendrick Perkins, Chiney Ogwumike,Richard Jefferson, and Brian Windhorst.
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    Helen takes the reins at NHS Hampstead Hospital while Max getscreative to help a patient in need. Reynolds reaches a decisionabout Dr. Malvo. Iggy and Bloom help their patients understandthe underlying cause of their stress. Dr. Wilder employs moreunconventional techniques.
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    Ariana and Katie meet with Randall about investing in theirsandwich shop, while Sandoval gets cold feet about helpingBrock with his latest scheme to marry Scheana. Still reelingfrom James' latest outburst, the gang heads north to abeautiful winery in Santa Ynez to celebrate James and Raquel'sengagement, but everyone worries which version of the DJthey're going to get.
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    General Hospital 255x6 - Ep. #15625
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    People Puzzler 2x71 - Sugar Plum Fairies
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    A Tuscan-style chicken cacciatore: Donal Skehan makes abuffalo chicken dish; Jeremy Parsons tells what to add to abinge list.
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    Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles 13x17 - Josh and Josh: SourGrapes
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    People Puzzler 2x70 - The Hype Ladies
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    Barbara Corcoran ("Shark Tank"): the man behind "The Food inMy Beard" prepares nachos two ways; Rachael makes paninis.
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