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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Coming Soon...
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    The NCIS team scrambles to find Kensi, when she is attackedand kidnapped by a mysterious militia group while helping agroup of migrants cross the border.
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    After doubling down on their efforts to invest in Zion'sLanding, Jesse and Amber scramble for the cash. Meanwhile,Eli's attempts to dodge a big-city reporter spell doom for theGemstones.
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    Coming Soon...
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    McCall becomes ensnared in a deadly battle between rival rapcrews when she is hired by the wife of a famous rapper,Dilemma, to prove the musician is innocent of murdering afellow artist.
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    Coming Soon...
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    As Jesse eyes a business opportunity with an Evangelical coupleon the rise, the media cracks down on a fellow preacher.Meanwhile, Eli reconnects with a figure from his mysteriouspast.
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    Father Brown finds his position under threat when he clasheswith an influential new parishioner.
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    Shea and Thomas cope with the aftermath of the river crossing,but there is little time to grieve and no shortage ofchallenges ahead. Elsa and Ennis share a romantic moment.
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    Elle goes after the final target to complete her mission ofrevenge, the man responsible for the Doll Hunt.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Coming Soon...
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    Father Brown finds his position under threat when he clasheswith an influential new parishioner.
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    After doubling-down on their efforts to invest in Zion'sLanding, Jesse and Amber scramble for the cash. Meanwhile,Eli's attempts to dodge a big-city reporter spell doom for theGemstones.
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    The SWAT team partners with the DEA to locate stolen rocketlaunchers smuggled into Los Angeles, high-power weapons withnew technology capable of cutting through armored tanks. Also,a personal issue for Tan arises when a colleague is hurt in thefield; Hondo's inquiry into the arrest of a homeless veteranfor Leroy, Darryl's father, sparks an idea for a new policinginitiative; and Luca suspects the mother of his mentee,Kelly, wants to date him.
  16. until
    As Jesse eyes a business opportunity with an Evangelical coupleon the rise, the media cracks down on a fellow preacher.Meanwhile, Eli reconnects with a figure from his mysteriouspast.
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    The team must rely on a criminal for his expertise to help takedown an even bigger threat. Meanwhile, Officers Chen andBradford investigate the murder of an unhoused teenager whoused to be friends with Tamara.
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    Things heat up for the team when Buck realizes that thelegendary Grafton Monster has migrated to the Tygart Valley.It's a monster hunt unlike any other when they stumble acrossthe mutilated carcass of a cow.
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    Meredith throws Seth a birthday party and doesn't invite theShahs, leaving Heather and Whitney to believe something biggeris causing a rift between the two women. Jen and Sharrieff workon their marriage, while Mary questions Jennie's overreactionto her regifted shoes. The husbands surprise the women with aMother's Day trip to Zion, but once Jen learns Meredith hireda private investigator, she and Lisa come to blows when Lisarefuses to hold Meredith accountable.
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    Euphoria 2x1 - Episode 1
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    An accident leaves Peter with a high-pitched voice, and Jesuscoaches him into fending off the other choir boys; meanwhile,Stewie is attracted to Lois' new masculine physique.
  22. until
    The NCIS team scrambles to find Kensi, when she is attackedand kidnapped by a mysterious militia group while helping agroup of migrants cross the border.
  23. until
    Louise realizes that Mr. Frond's new plan of studentsevaluating their teachers has shifted the balance of power atschool from teacher to kid. Meanwhile, Bob and Linda discoverthat they don't agree on where they want their final restingplace to be.
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    Desna opens up a second nail salon but a rival salon owner soondemands a monthly payoff, forcing Desna to take drasticmeasures and securing her place as a hardened gangster. Jenn'sOxy addiction spirals out of control as she forms asuspiciously close bond with Tony.
  25. until
    Dexter and Harrison try to live a normal life in a place thatthey have discovered is not as normal as they thought it was.Will they live happily ever after, despite all the threatscoming their way?
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