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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Coming Soon...
  2. until
    A guest at Kaer Morhen extends a guiding hand to Ciri - and aninvitation to Geralt. On the run in Redania, Yennefer seekssafety below ground.
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    While Joe frantically rushes to the hospital, Sheridan triesto recall her survival skills to escape an unhinged predator.
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    It's the Fourth of July, and everyone's relationship hasprogressed since Valentine's Day - some in positive ways andothers negatively - as each couple struggles with the differentmeanings of 'independence'.
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    Ton despairs about his demotion while Yagyu becomes the newdirector. Haida gains a confidence boost after Retsuko reachesout to him.
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    Vicki almost gets &quot:Brimstone&quot: out of the hands ofthe scientist, Irina Poliskya, but MacGruber gets in theway; a tip from Fasoose sends Mac to Enos Queeth's compoundalone for one last chance at revenge.
  7. until
    In need of some breakthrough evidence, Joe calls in a favorfrom an unexpected ally. Meanwhile, Marybeth and Sheridanremain vulnerably close to danger.
  8. until
    Joe connects an important piece of the pipeline mystery, butit may cost him. The Pickett's find themselves in a luxuriousnew home.
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    Christopher opens up about his past as the couple'srelationship with Susan's parents comes under the spotlight.Lancing and Wilkie have a breakthrough.
  10. until
    Carrington Manor is decorated to the hilt as only theCarringtons can, but all is not well at the Manor. Kirby,Liam, Sam, and Culhane all deal with the recent events invery different ways. Blake and Cristal come to agreementregarding his political future. Dominique proceeds with herplans and turns to Jeff for some much-needed assistance. Alexisremains in jail and only Amanda seems to show any support.
  11. until
    Fallout from Blake's gala finally begins to settle and Blakeand Cristal work on the next phase of his campaign. In his hourof need, Liam turns to Sam and Kirby. As Alexis remains injail and proclaims her innocence, Amanda sets out to see whomight be responsible for the murder. Dominique still doesn'tbelieve everything Jeff said when he was sick but Culhanebelieves there may be some truth to Jeff's suspicions.
  12. until
    Carrington Manor is decorated to the hilt as only theCarringtons can but all is not well at the Manor. Kirby,Liam, Sam, and Culhane all deal with the recent events invery different ways. Blake and Cristal come to agreementregarding his political future. Dominique proceeds with herplans and turns to Jeff for some much-needed assistance.Meanwhile, Alexis remains in jail and only Amanda seems toshow any support.
  13. until
    Host Jesse Palmer kicks things off with a swanky Christmas openhouse for judges Nancy Fuller, Duff Goldman and Carla Hall andasks the bakers to create dessert charcuterie boards. Then,the bottom two bakers face off in a sudden eliminationchallenge of dueling holiday pinata desserts. In the final mainheat, the competitors take on holiday party theme cakes andincorporate lights into their designs. The most successful cakemaker becomes the Holiday Baking Champion and walks away with,000!
  14. until
    Below Deck 9x9 - When Eddie Met Sally
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    The Raiders will host a Monday Night Football game for theseventh year in a row.
  16. until
    Monday Night Football 255x20 - Minnesota at Chicago
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    Fallout from Blake's gala finally begins to settle and Blakeand Cristal work on the next phase of his campaign. In his hourof need, Liam turns to Sam and Kirby. As Alexis remains injail and proclaims her innocence, Amanda sets out to see whomight be responsible for the murder. Adam continues to besuspicious of Amanda, and the feeling is reciprocated.Meanwhile, Jeff starts to heal. Dominique still doesn'tbelieve everything Jeff said when he was sick but Culhanebelieves there may be some truth to Jeff's suspicions.
  18. until
    WWE Monday Night RAW 28x51 - #1491 - Fiserv Forum inMilwaukee, WI
  19. until
    Jane learns the truth about Edward. As Emma's fate isrevealed, Jane fights to ensure the deadly cycle of eventsdoesn't claim her too.
  20. until
    After receiving shocking news, Jane resolves to find outexactly what Edward knows about Emma's fate. Meanwhile, thepolice pick apart the story of Emma's assault.
  21. until
    Day of the Dead 1x10 - Choke on 'Em!
  22. until
    Shaq may be pushing the big 5-0, but he's really just agigantic kid inside...and out.
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    The designers fall for an age-old prank when they're invitedout for cocktails by Christian Siriano only to discover thatit's actually challenge-time, not party-time. It's time forthe unconventional challenge where the designers will be askedto create an elegant cocktail dress from an actual cocktailbar. Plus, one of fashion's most exciting designers,Christopher John Rogers, is the judge on the guest list forthis VIP party.
  24. until
    Shaq feels it's time to use his platform to speak on racialtension and the police violence that has shaken up society.
  25. until
    In the season finale, Tracy tries to dance her way to a dealon the Skyline property. Altman aims to break Brentwood recordswith a property that has more bells and whistles than anyonecould dream of. Fredrik brings Hollywood history to life at anopen house to launch his 50-million-dollar Los Feliz property.With all the top realtors there, Altman and Fredrik have aniconic showdown.
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