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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Adam's not playing around, he's working hard to find out howsome toys transform into valuable collectibles and becomeiconic classics. Adam gets VIP access to see how Play-Doh iscreated, and how every can gets that amazing smell. Plus, hevisits the mecca of pinball manufacturing to see how theirpinball machines have outlasted the competition and even thelaw! Then, how have Slinkys kept springing back? And, aninside look at how Lionel trains keep chugging.
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    The nine strongest and most talented chefs return to theMasterChef kitchen for the semi-final round, where they mustcreate a dish based around their favourite food memory.
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    The NCIS team investigates a cold case involving WWII-era boneson the 80th anniversary of the Pearl Harbor bombings, and areshocked to learn they belong to a 100-year-old survivor of theattack
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    When a massive blackout threatens to stop the finale fromairing, the whole cast has to band together to light up thestage. Reggie attempts a rapprochement with Gabby, while Nickworks to convince the network that this show is somethingspecial. Meanwhile, the rest of the cast deals with nervesover their final performance and Brittney gets a shockingsurprise.
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    For the exclusive holiday desserts preheat, the six remainingbakers try to impress judges Nancy Fuller, Duff Goldman andCarla Hall by making tasty treats for guests with a dietaryrestriction. In the main heat, host Jesse Palmer challengesthe competitors to update an assigned vintage holiday dessertto create a new Christmas delight.
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    Beth confronts her father's houseguest. Kayce and his familysearch for a new home. Jamie seeks answers from Garrett. Lloydloses his cool.
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    After nearly twenty years, Danny decides it's finally time torestore his late father's rare 1982 Mercedes Benz 500 SEC AMG,the way he would have wanted to. Meanwhile, Ryan and Bobprovide some killer cosmetic updates to a wickedly fast 2010Dodge Challenger, and Mike learns some old school paint tricksfrom the master himself, Ryan.
  8. until
    John and Kayce are forced to deal with some newcomers in town:Lloyd is in the doghouse with Rip, and finds purpose inteaching Carter; Jamie seeks information about his father.
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    Russ learns the truth about Ollie's relationship with Maisie,while Max and Dom disagree over his diagnosis of a black femalepatient. Now that Ange knows the truth about Josh's bulimia,will their relationship survive?
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    Beth has cooked a curry for Ian and Gordon's anniversary, butthere's no such thing as a quiet family meal, what with theneighbours inviting themselves over and completely hijackingthe occasion.
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    A strange tunnel takes the teens to a lush forest, where theymeet a mysterious scientist studying dino behavior. Thequestion is: Can they trust her?
  12. until
    After crashing on a boggy planet, Maureen and Judy contendwith a massive salivating creature, while John and Penny workto free the trapped Robot.
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    Kyle and Ian are questioned by internal affairs in the wake ofthe shootout. Bunny asks Mike for help with a close familymember.
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    Elle plots her revenge with help from J, but Police ChiefGrant mobilizes a massive LAPD manhunt to find and eliminateher.
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    A day in the life of Yuki.
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    A long overdue girls' night filled with self-reflection andreal talk puts things into perspective for Issa and herfriends.
  17. until
    The team goes on a city-wide hunt for an individual who isthreatening a mass casualty event. Tim's sister shows upunannounced with some surprising news. Lopez continues herinner struggle over Wesley's deal with Elijah and tries to comeup with a plan to get them out of it.
  18. until
    After a tense board meeting to discuss acquisition of Matsson'sGoJo, Roman shares his suspicions about their mother's newbeau with Shiv. As a luxe family wedding gets underway inItaly, Gerri draws a line in the sand with Roman, the Waystarteam grows increasingly concerned about Matsson's roguetweets, and Shiv and Caroline have a heart-to-heart, ofsorts.
  19. until
    Tariq tries to keep CourseCorrect from going under. WhileDiana's wary of Canes motives and Zeke's future is put atrisk, everyone is wondering, where is Monet?
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    Coming Soon...
  21. until
    The girls play with guns to determine who is the mostresponsible. Natalie untangles a lifetime of piecing togetherbroken men. Taissa greets the rich.
  22. until
    Matt Negrete discusses the Season 7 episode of &quot:Fear theWalking Dead", "Padre", and the Season 2episode of "The Walking Dead: World Beyond","The Last Light"; host Chris Hardwick.
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