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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    The annual TFD Pickleball Tournament is underway and Terry& Eddie's team are long-running-and-very-cocky stationchamps, but the crew has plans to finally take them and theirattitudes down.
  2. until
    Coming Soon...
  3. until
    Bull's legal troubles go from professional to personal when newevidence in his bribery trial implicates his wife, Izzy.Also, the TAC team's efforts to assist Bull in court arethwarted by his attorney, who fears they will cross a legalline to help their boss.
  4. until
    Gina brings her dog Cannoli to the retirement home where hebonds with the seniors; Drew prepares for his new life drivingcross country in a camper van.
  5. until
    While Al is heavily medicated following surgery on his wisdomteeth, he mistakenly insults Art, forcing Riley to choosesides. Also, Lizzie tries to broker a peace among Art, Rileyand Al.
  6. until
    Alberta is thrilled when a super-fan of her music visits themansion to learn more about her. Also, Thor convinces Hetty togo on a walk with him in hopes that it will spark a specialmemory.
  7. until
    The Super Squad continues to work on helping Hope, much to herdismay. MG makes a last-ditch effort at helping the SuperSquad, but things do not go as he had planned. Meanwhile,Lizzie searches for answers as Josie goes to extreme measures.
  8. until
    Brad works through his nerves preparing for his bar mitzvahspeech while Dean ends his friendship with Keisa when Charlenetells him he can't be friends with other girls. Things come toa head when the whole group comes together to celebrate Brad'sbar mitzvah.
  9. until
    Burnham and Tilly hunt the killer of a Starfleet officer asStamets and the science team race against the clock to preventthe anomaly from killing anyone else.
  10. until
    Sheldon battles President Hagemeyer's mysterious boss over theuniversity's science requirements. Also, Mary discovers thatGeorgie is working at Meemaw's illegal gambling room.
  11. until
    Tensions run high when Walker and Liam investigate a cold casetogether. Micki, still on desk duty, is working through hergrief while slowly easing her way back into the field. Treytags along for a fishing trip and gets a lesson on love. Augustmakes a discovery that could lead to answers about the feudbetween The Walkers and The Davidsons.
  12. until
    Joining Graham tonight: Hollywood stars Tom Holland andZendaya, starring together in Spider-Man: No Way Home;Superman Henry Cavill, returning to Netflix series TheWitcher; and actor Gugu Mbatha-Raw, talking about new BBCseries The Girl Before. With music from Little Mix, whoperform Between Us.
  13. until
    I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! (UK) 21x13 - Episode 13
  14. until
    Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous 4x1 - TBA
  15. until
    Bull's legal troubles go from professional to personal when newevidence in his bribery trial implicates his wife, Izzy.Also, the TAC team's efforts to assist Bull in court arethwarted by his attorney, who fears they will cross a legalline to help their boss.
  16. until
    Shaq has invited a slew of his celebrity friends down to Tampato play some games and raise some money where he tries to pulloff an event during a global pandemic.
  17. until
    Gina brings her dog Cannoli to the retirement home where hebonds with the seniors. Also, Drew prepares for his new lifedriving cross country in a camper van.
  18. until
    The Queens pair up with teenagers for a makeover of alifetime.
  19. until
    Alberta is thrilled when a super-fan of her music visits themansion to learn more about her. Also, Thor convinces Hetty togo on a walk with him in hopes that it will spark a specialmemory.
  20. until
    The victim of a possible starlight tour, an Indigenous man isfound frozen to death on a remote reserve road.
  21. until
    The Super Squad continues to work on helping Hope, much to herdismay. MG makes a last-ditch effort at helping the SuperSquad, but things do not go as he had planned. Meanwhile,Lizzie searches for answers as Josie goes to extreme measures.
  22. until
    The world has surely changed since season 1, and so has theman himself; Shaq may be getting older but he's not about toslow down.
  23. until
    Brad works through his nerves preparing for his bar mitzvahspeech while Dean ends his friendship with Keisa when Charlenetells him he can't be friends with other girls. Things come toa head when the whole group comes together to celebrate Brad'sbar mitzvah.
  24. until
    While Al is heavily medicated following surgery on his wisdomteeth, he mistakenly insults Art, forcing Riley to choosesides. Also, Lizzie tries to broker a peace among Art, Rileyand Al.
  25. until
    Mysterious boss over the university's science requirements.Also, Mary discovers that Georgie is working at Meemaw'sillegal gambling room.
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