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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Barry meets Black Lightning at the Hall of Justice after thingstake a dire turn with Despero. Iris suspects something is offwith Despero's vision of the future so she seeks help from apowerful ally.
  2. until
    The Bachelorette 18x7 - Week 7
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    Mike Tirico, Tony Dungy and Drew Brees recap the day's NFLhighlights.
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    Hosts Curt Menefee and Terry Bradshaw: with analysts HowieLong, Jimmy Johnson and Michael Strahan.
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    Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet 10x8 - Duck Duck Chicken
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    Day of the Dead 1x7 - Their Evil Was Our Evil
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    Chloe feels left out during the family vacation. Faye's dreamto hunt an alligator gets shut down.
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    Buried in the Backyard 4x2 - The Bones on Party Hill
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    Buried in the Backyard 4x1 - Buried in Money
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    The team set out on an expedition across Iceland, with thehelp of some temperamental old British cars. Back in the UK,Freddie gets his hands on America's latest sports car, the newChevrolet Corvette.
  11. until
    It's time for the annual TFD Pickleball Tournament. The Crewplans to take down Terry and Eddie's team, the long-standingstation champs.
  12. until
    Dara O Briain and Hugh Dennis look back at all the stuff that'sbeen going on in the news this week with Maisie Adam, AngelaBarnes, Jen Brister, Rhys James and Ahir Shah.
  13. until
    Freddie, Chris and Paddy set out to revolutionise the world ofcaravanning, with the help of some new electric cars and somevery small caravans. Out on track, Chris reviews theextravagant new Lamborghini Huracan STO.
  14. until
    Eddie learns his divorce lawyer was never really a lawyer andthat his multiple divorces were never really finalized; thecrew chips in for the latest Pedalton bike for the station butall fall for the same trainer.
  15. until
    Coming Soon...
  16. until
    Hanna and Marissa return to Pioneer headquarters as prisonersbut with a mission to unlock the evidence they need to bringdown the program. When they realize that Abbas and his daughterare in danger they race off to rescue them. In the forestsoutside Vienna, Hanna must save Abbas while Marissa confrontsEvans one last time.
  17. until
    When an anti-capitalist protestor is murdered, Jane and theteam investigate and find themselves caught in a war betweeneco-activists and a tech billionaire fighting over a piece ofland. Also, Jane and Captain Joe go on a date.
  18. until
    Jharrel and Keisha must earn the trust of the 4400 if theytruly want to help keep them safe. Hayden convinces LaDonna andAndre to visit Ypsi Med. Rev continues to grow his flock.
  19. until
    With only two days to go until the big finale, the cast prepsfor their final performance. Nick must make the hard decisionof following his brain or his heart, and Julia is stuck in atough position when Kevin tries to win her back. Meanwhile,Justin and Simon try to navigate a new challenge in theirrelationship and Brittney works on standing up to her mom.
  20. until
    Abishola and Kemi take a directionless Christina to see aYoruba priest, where she learns that her toxic relationshipwith her mother may be stifling her growth. Also, Bob dealswith the fallout of promoting Kofo over Goodwin when Goodwinhas a panic attack at work.
  21. until
    When Tina struggles to keep up with her job at Calvin's autoshop, due to her burgeoning baking business, he faces a toughdecision: should he fire his own wife? Also, Malcolm delaysbreaking up with a girlfriend when her son becomes anunexpected asset to his youth baseball team.
  22. until
    Bobby and the 118 race to the rescue when an abandoned oil wellerupts and causes a massive sinkhole in downtown LA. Athenainvestigates a 30-year-old cold case involving a casinorobbery. Buck fears his relationship with Taylor might beending, and Hen meets a man from her mother, Toni's, past.
  23. until
    NCIS investigates the case of a Navy reservist whose body isfound in a beat-up car at the end of a gun range. Also, Kasieweighs the pros and cons of buying a gun.
  24. until
    The Top 10 artists perform songs outside of their musicalgenres for their chance at a spot in the Top 8.
  25. until
    Elle's memories come flooding back, revealing the truth ofwhat happened to her in the desert; LAPD Officer Davis putstogether the clues that will lead her to Black Lotus.
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