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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    In trying to find a way to channel his emotions, Conrad putsall his effort in looking for answers. Raptor has a run-in withthe police that ends up taking a surprising turn. Meanwhile,Leela begins noticing problems with a surgeon who has beenBell's mentor.
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    The team must determine if the kidnapping of a youngChinese-American woman is a random hate crime or if she wasspecifically targeted, in order to find her. Also, Jess andSarah struggle with Tali's continued rebellious streak.
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    The Office of the Independent Counsel ensnares MonicaLewinsky, holding her for 12 traumatizing hours in a hotelroom.
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    The team investigates an American citizen who is proclaiminghis innocence after seeking sanctuary at Madrid's U.S. embassywhile still covered in the blood of his murdered Spanishboyfriend. Also, Vo and Raines continue to grow theirfriendship.
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    The team hunts for a serial killer who is targeting young,homeless men. Also, Tiffany and Scola don't see eye to eye onhow to handle the case or the difference between partners andco-workers.
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    Courtney is left devastated after discovering a dark secretthat Pat has kept hidden from her. However, when they learnthat Jennie may be able to help in their plan to stop Eclipso,they're forced to put their issues aside as they set out on aroad trip to find her. Meanwhile, Beth makes a shockingdiscovery about The Shade.
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    An old friend visits, sparking a self-doubting Harry touncover an unlikely client on the links at his exclusive golfclub.
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    Each Joe must come to terms with an unfamiliar and challengingfeeling. Music Joe enlists help to look for his son. Cop Joenavigates the aftermath of a shooting. Nurse Joe and Jennydiscuss a big career opportunity.
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    Bette is forced to make a huge decision as Tina and Carrie'swedding quickly approaches; Shane and Tess reach a crossroadin their relationship; and the release of Alice's book has aripple effect on her personal life. Meanwhile, things betweenSophie and Finley reach a potential breaking point; Danifinally has to decide once and for all whether to defend herfather; and Angie grapples with the outcome of what happenedwith her donor.
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    Isobel helps Kyle save a life. Jones needs something fromMichael. Liz and Heath continue to work on the science in thehopes of stopping Jones. Everyone is working together to tryand defeat the dictator.
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    Harry asks Alexa to look into the case of his friend accused ofmurdering a survival expert.
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    The Leverage team explores the failing memory of a legendarygrifter to try and find her greatest score before her abusiveElder Guardian gets his hands on it and takes over her life.
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    Gaining strength and support from a creative writing therapygroup, Alex fights for her future by facing off with Sean overcustody of Maddy.
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    Abby and Julia venture into uncharted waters, the familythrows a party, and Abby finds herself ending one relationshipjust as she begins a new one. The fate of her last almond hangsin the balance, so Abby has a nice long talk with herselfbefore making any decisions. There's definitely no going backnow.
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    Overwhelmed with madness, Charles is driven to the churchcemetery where he unearths a hidden book. Once in his hands,he has an apocalyptic vision of the vampire future.
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    Officer Nolan and officer Chen report to a structure fire andsuspect that there is more to the situation than meets the eye.Meanwhile, after witnessing a sniper shooting, the teamsearches for the shooter and discovers that the perpetrator hasa connection to one of their own
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    Harris races the clock in his search for the anonymouseyewitness. Lee seeks professional advice about whom toprotect. Harris' old Pittsburgh PD partner pays him a visit.
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    Quagmire meets an avid dog lover, and pretends Brian is hisdog in an attempt to win her over. Meanwhile, Chris helpsStewie track down the culprit who stole his Halloween candy.
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