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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
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    Kate Bishop, a skilled archer whose overconfidence can cloudher judgment, lands in the middle of a criminal conspiracy.Meanwhile, Clint Barton's much-needed Christmas trip to NewYork City with his kids is interrupted when a painful part ofhis past resurfaces. It's just a matter of time till theirpaths cross, forcing Hawkeye out of retirement.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Unsure whom to trust, Ambrose hunts down his pursuers.
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    When Mark and Digger ask to run on commercial property, theanswer is as shocking as the results. Mike and Jerry turnblueberries into top-shelf brandy, but it's the mash that'sworth celebrating. Richard chases the green fairy to makebackwoods absinthe.
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    The time is ripe for a competition celebrating the taste offruit, so Guy Fieri challenges four chefs to make afruit-forward feast using a grocery list with multiple forms offruit. Then, the three remaining chefs must make a fine-diningfruit dinner featuring fruit they don't knock over in a game offruit bowling. The highest scoring chef will go bananas whenthey win up to ,000.
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    As Ryan's family dynamic grows more complicated, she alsofinds herself in the middle of a Bat Team stand-off betweenLuke and Mary. Meanwhile, Alice finds a new sidekick to do herbidding.
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    When the Legends crash land in 1940s Seattle, they findthemselves right in the middle of WWII with a surprise guest.Needing replacement parts to fix the time machine, Sara,Ava, Astra, Spooner and Gideon find themselves working indifferent sections of an airplane factory alongside"Rosies". With Astra frustrated with inequality inthe workforce, she takes matters into her own hands.Meanwhile, Behrad offers to play host and help teach Nateabout Persian culture and etiquette.
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    Dara O Briain and Hugh Dennis look back at all the stuff that'sbeen going on in the news this week with Maisie Adam, AngelaBarnes, Jen Brister, Rhys James and Ahir Shah.
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    Ask This Old House 20x9 - Drill Drivers, Patios Expansion
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    On the final leg of this marathon challenge, Guz Khan joyouslygobbles chocolates, Victoria Coren Mitchell attempts todecipher Alan Davies' unfathomable body movements and DesireeBurch writes a very persuasive song for Alex Horne. MorganaRobinson also remains in the running. Later, television'sultimate prize - Taskmaster Greg Davies' gilded bonce on ashort spike - is finally awarded.
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    I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! (UK) 21x5 - Episode 5
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    WWE NXT UK 255x47 - NXT UK 176
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    Shaman King 1x33 - Osorezan Le Voile Part 4
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    Young Justice 4x8 - Episode 8
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    People Puzzler 2x44 - Never Give Up!
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    Super Crooks 1x1 - Episode 1
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    Jay Leno's Garage 6x10 - Thrill Rides
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    The Sinner 4x7 - Part VII
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    Court Cam 4x29 - #429
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    Court Cam 4x28 - #428
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    The Big Bang is when many think the universe started and timeitself began. But what clues can we discover about thisultimate genesis of everything? And can we ever know whatexisted before the Universe's birthday? With stunning animationbased on space telescope images, NOVA explores infant galaxiesfilled with violent blue stars that formed just a few hundredmillion years after the Big Bang. Before that—before thecoming of visible light itself—stretch the "cosmic DarkAges." But scientists haven't stopped there; instead, they'vecome up with an incredible theory for what happened billionthsof a billionth of a second from the universe's birth. Ifthey're right, we're on the brink of understanding more thanwe could ever have hoped about our cosmic origins.
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    Married at First Sight 13x19 - Houston Reunion, Part 2
  24. until
    AEW Wrestling 255x47 - #216 - Thanksgiving Eve: Wintrust Arenain Chicago, IL
  25. until
    When Mark and Digger ask to run on commercial property, theanswer is as shocking as the results. Mike and Jerry turnblueberries into top shelf brandy, but it's the mash that'sworth celebrating. Richard chases the green fairy to makebackwoods absinthe.
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