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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Stephen welcomes journalist Jonathan Karl plus an interviewwith and musical performance by Brandi Carlile.
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    Jimmy welcomes actor Michael Che, singer-songwriter EdSheeran, lifestyle expert Martha Stewart, and a musicalperformance by Summer Walker.
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    Even with redemption seemingly in reach, the outlaws findtheir time running out, and the net closing around them. Theyface a stark choice - die apart, or survive together?
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    Catherine's grief over the loss of Leo during the coup finallycatches up with her. Peter's part in Leo's death, and thediscovery that he just murdered a noble, causes Catherine tolock Peter in his apartments with only his mummified mother forcompany.
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    A family emergency finds Molly stretched thin between takingcare of loved ones, staying on top of work, and zeroing in onher own perceived shortcomings. As a hectic day unfolds, Issaand her new man grow closer than ever.
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    Logan and team head to Virginia for a conservative politicalconference, where Roman finds out surprising news about hismother.
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    Tariq tries to resume his normal college life. Brayden providesTariq an escape. Monet makes plans for the business to protecther children. Cane seeks out a new family to take the streetsfor himself.
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    Coming Soon...
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    While he and his date swap secrets, Larry runs afoul of therules and regulations at a sushi restaurant. No good deed goesunpunished for Freddy Funkhouser.
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    A new boss quells Peter's favorite part about work: officebirthdays. Stewie is put in detention and comes out a ruffian.
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    Sam negotiates and Rountree goes undercover, when a man takesa busload of hostages and threatens to blow it up unless hisdaughter's war crimes are posthumously cleared.
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    Dexter hopes to have a chance to makes things right withHarrison, which is proving to be tough to do when there's afull-fledged crime investigation that Dexter himself hascaused. Harrison joins the high school wrestling team andquickly makes a name for himself at school. Meanwhile, a truecrime podcaster from LA arrives in Iron Lake and befriendsDexter's police chief girlfriend.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Morgan searches for Al, only to discover that he's not theonly one looking for her.
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    The group sets a new plan into motion as a relationship isleveraged and a betrayal forces others to take action.
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    During Thanksgiving week, the Tobin kids and Honeybee takepart in an old family tradition called The Beef Hunt.Meanwhile, Beef wrestles with his greatest fear.
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    It's the day before Thanksgiving on the Cape: things arelooking up for Ray, and looking grim for Jackie. Frankie isfilled with anxiety over his business with Jorge.
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    Mel's past military expertise proves critical when McCall ishired by District Attorney Grafton to find a sniper on akilling spree, seemingly selecting victims at random. Also,Delilah experiences PTSD when the sniper shootings cause her torelive the trauma of her friend's fatal shooting.
  19. until
    Smithers finds true love with a famous fashion designer, butwill his new relationship destroy Springfield?
  20. until
    Tim and Jessica's attempt to throw a &quot:small party&quot:snowballs. Lou struggles to hide a revived past relationshipfrom the family. Amy and Logan continue to work with the wildhorse.
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    With host Suzy Kolber and analysts Booger McFarland, RandyMoss and Steve Young. The crew reviews Sunday's games and looksahead to the MNF matchup while updating fans on the latestleague news.
  22. until
    I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! (UK) 21x2 - Episode 2
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    People Puzzler 2x41 - TBA
  24. until
    After enlisting both Jeff and Freddy's help for the occasion,Larry's hot date quickly goes south.
  25. until
    Insecure 5x5 - Surviving, Okay ?!
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