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Everything posted by Midnight

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    Entrepreneurs from Sugarland, Texas, pitch their healthy fooddelivery service. Entrepreneurs from Wellesley,Massachusetts, and Edmonds, Washington, present theirimportant protection for couples about to tie the knot. Anentrepreneur from Los Angeles, California, introduces herenhanced dessert. An entrepreneur from Celina, Texas, pitcheshis tool to help off-duty firefighters make additional income.Nirav Tolia is the guest shark.
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    Joining Graham tonight: musical icon Lady Gaga, starring inRidley Scott's House of Gucci; Frozen star Josh Gad, voicingnew series Olaf Presents; celebrity chef Nadiya Hussain,promoting Nadiya's Fast Flavours; and Hollywood superstar WillSmith, who drops in for a chat. Plus music from Rod Stewart,who performs his single One More Time.
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    Guest host Victoria Coren Mitchell and panellists comedianMaisie Adam and journalist Helen Lewis join team captains PaulMerton and Ian Hislop as they delve into the news.
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    A deadly bombing rocks the NYPD and leaves several suspects inthe wind. Nova makes a major discovery.
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    Carisi asks the SVU for help with a murder investigation whenone of the witnesses shows signs of abuse.
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    When Sam is commissioned to write an article about Flower andher friends holding up a bank during their commune days,Flower begs Sam not to accept the job because she's embarrassedabout a part of the story she's never revealed.
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    Missy asks some uncomfortable questions at church, and Meemawand Georgie go into business together.
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    When Theo and Vic hit a relationship milestone, Vic is forcedto reckon with her feelings about commitment. Andy takes refugeat Dean's home and helps care for Pruitt, while Dean considersa new potential career opportunity. Meanwhile, an explosionrips apart a neighborhood and changes the lives of ourfirefighters forever.
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    Walker invites Gale Davidson to participate in the chilicookoff at the Side Step to try and make amends after years oftheir families feuding, however Abby isn't too pleased withthe gesture. Micki and Trey work on reconciling theirrelationship when she comes home after her deep undercoveroperation.
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    As the team investigates the stabbing of a father with twoyoung daughters, they begin to suspect there is more to thestory than meets the eye. The FBI investigation into RoyWalton's death intensifies while Voight, Upton and Halsteadfeel the heat.
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    Tickle and the Laws escape from a raid on their still site onlyto discover that Josh is missing; Tim and Howard tackle a gasshortage with a high-proof solution; Mike and Jerry rebuildtheir oak barrel pot still after blowing up their firstattempt.
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    Severide and Herrmann clash over office space. Boden looks atPelham's past as he considers making him permanent. Gallo'sresentment of Pelham comes to a head. Brett and Ritter forceViolet to confront her true feelings for Gallo.
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    Scott's loyalty to Med and the police department is challenged.The annual random drug testing puts a doctor's career injeopardy. Choi tries a risky old-school method on a patient.Halstead helps Hammer search for her mother.
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    After the shocking events of the previous night, Perez mustpiece together what happened before a rampaging and vengefulCreggan finds his target.
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    Max is faced with a wrenching decision when New Amsterdam fallsprey to a massive ransomware attack.
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    Jake and Devon progress their relationship. Enemies-andallies-from Chucky's past show up.
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