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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Tracy's unique Abbot Kinney property is a tough sell, but notas tough as her confrontation with Fredrik. Altman wants tomake up for misbehaving as a child by giving his parentssomething special. Flagg's Beverly Hills expertise is put tothe test with a very particular buyer.
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    In the second heat, the Skills Tests involve scallops and acrème pâtissière swiss roll. Then the chefs try to impressthe judges with two Signature Dishes that demonstrate theirculinary identities.
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    Full Frontal explains why we all should be excited about thepassage of the infrastructure bill and what our favorite crimeshows get wrong about forensic science. Plus, Mike Rubens goesto Las Vegas to find religion.
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    Lights, camera, Janet! This season's eight remaining couplesreturn to the ballroom for a star-studded Janet Jackson Night.There will also be a double elimination as the couples battleit out to make it into next week's semifinals.
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    Heat one continues as each chef cooks two standout SignatureDishes – a main and a dessert that demonstrate creative flairand individual cooking style.
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    The first four contenders face their opening Skills Test. Twomust get all the details just right as they prepare bangers andmash in only 20 minutes. The others cook monkfish.
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    The Only Way is Essex 28x9 - Episode 9
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    All My Children star Susan Lucci is here! Nick catches up withthe soap opera legend.Author Tracy Brown chats with Nick abouther novel Single Black Female.Plus, Nick opens up the HaterHotline and responds to some feedback from his ‘family'.
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    TV host Wayne Brady gives nick the inside scoop on his Broadwayshow Freestyle Love Supreme.Plus, the latest unmaskedcontestant from The Masked Singer stops by to talk about theexperience and Nick shares the juice recipe he drinks eachmorning to stay healthy and energized!
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    The gang are in a buzz when Vinnie is tasked by Chinese Dan tosteal some beehives. Erin presents a repayment plan to McCann.
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    Tray begins teaching at the community center and training Javiin boxing until his mother shows up, angry he's been skippingschool.
  12. until
    As Brianna deals with a painful reminder of Jeff's infidelity,the group hopes a performance at the American Music Awards willsolidify their comeback. Meanwhile, after completing treatmentat a rehab facility for her addiction issues, Lauren strugglesto identify with her alter ego, Lil Muffin.
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    After a young girl is kidnapped from her daycare, the teammust help her parents navigate a debt owed to the deadly gangin their neighborhood. Also, Maggie struggles to focus on thecase when her sister, Erin, returns from rehab.
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    Angela holds a &quot:sistervention&quot: for Leah, whosemarriage to Raymond is still on the rocks. Meanwhile, Teddy'sbirthday celebration includes trying to one-up Alex and keepRaymond at bay, and Nikki and Nate attempt to bond. Then,Tyrique's jealousy grows as Angela gets closer to Nate
  15. until
    With cold weather approaching, Eve, Levi and Ty return to thefort, despite their near-death experience there, hoping tolearn 10,000 B.C. survival skills. Gavin's attempts to spareIzzy pain threatens their relationship.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Coming Soon...
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    When a powerful alien threat arrives on Earth under mysteriouscircumstances, Barry, Iris and the rest of Team Flash arepushed to their limits in a desperate battle to save the world.But with time running out and the fate of humanity at stake,Flash and his companions will also need to enlist the help ofsome old friends if the forces of good are to prevail.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Kit hires a surgical coach to watch over Bell and Raptor andhelp them brush up on their skills. Upon receiving attentionfrom multiple women at the hospital, Conrad contemplatesjumping back into the dating scene. Meanwhile, Devon workswith an elderly couple.
  21. until
    Following the explosion that ended Season Five, a new daydawns in the town of RiverVALE, where everything is as itshould be. Veronica and Reggie are now the town's powercouple, while Jughead and Tabitha move in together. But withCheryl demanding a return to the "old ways", thisserenity will surely not last. And how could Archie and Bettypossibly have survived?
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    The Great British Bake Off 12x9 - Episode 9
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    Highway Thru Hell 10x11 - High and Low
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    Ordinary Joe 1x8 - Reset
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    With the future of Paula's health staring them in the face,she and Mike decide to take a giant leap in their relationship.Nick deals with some lingering hesitation about beingvulnerable on camera, and Justin gets the opportunity to meetwith a Broadway director, which causes tension in hisrelationship with Simon. Meanwhile, Julia's husband, Kevin,makes a shocking return.
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