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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Finally there is some good news for a few of the 4400. Andrelooks to study some of his new friends but mistakes from hispast begin to affect him in present day. Rev finds someinformation about his son.
  2. until
    The crew of My Seanna experiences less than desirable behaviorfrom one of the charter guests. Jake struggles with his newposition and Jessica starts begins to remember how much wearand tear a charter season can take on your body. Wes andJessica build on their friendship while the deck team's sillymistake leaves Eddie and Captain Lee furious.
  3. until
    After winning Super Bowl LVI with the Los Angeles Rams,Miami's Jalen Ramsey and Odell Beckham Jr. return to SouthernCalifornia for the first time to play the Rams.
  4. until
    With the All-American game approaching Spencer is feelinguneasy until an old friend says something to him that makeseverything suddenly click. Olivia applies for a coveted summerinternship with the L.A. Tribune Online, but her testassignment takes a different turn than what they asked for.Jordan questions why no one sees him as great and the answer hegets takes him by surprise. Coop feels betrayed by Layla whenshe learns Layla is looking for a new artist and makes somehurtful accusations. Meanwhile, Billy discusses a newopportunity with Laura that might just be too good to turndown.
  5. until
    In a holiday pantry raid, host Jesse Palmer throws open thecupboards and the Mason jars to ask the nine remaining bakersto create canned fruit desserts. In the main heat, judgesNancy Fuller, Duff Goldman and Carla Hall are in for a treatwhen the competitors create heartfelt messages on top ofeveryone's favorite Thanksgiving dessert -- pie! In the end,one baker goes home.
  6. until
    Bobby and the 118 race to save lives after an explosion rocksthe hospital where Dr. David Hale (guest star La Monde Byrd) isperforming surgery. Meanwhile, Michael makes a life-changingdecision.
  7. until
    WWE Monday Night RAW 28x46 - #1486 - Bankers Life Fieldhouse inIndianapolis, IN
  8. until
    The Vikings try to get back to their winning ways when theyhost the Colts. Joe Flacco starts at quarterback forIndianapolis after Anthony Richardson was benched in Week 8.Minnesota has lost two in a row since heading into its bye witha 5-0 mark.
  9. until
    The Browns meet their match with 75 tons of salvaged old miningequipment as they struggle to place it and get it running. Birdand Rain seek the chance to complete the horseback ridinglesson their father was not able to give them.
  10. until
    The Volunteers visit the Tigers in a clash of teams sitting7-2, 3-2 in the SEC. The Vols have won four straight meetings.Missouri put up a valiant effort last week but fell atundefeated Georgia 30-21. Tennessee routed UConn 59-3.
  11. until
    The Kitchen hosts are throwing a Friendsgiving party withinventive and casual Turkey Day dishes. Geoffrey Zakarian andAlex Guarnaschelli kick off the meal with a Toasted MulledCider Margarita and Baked Brie with Cranberry Chutney andToasted Almonds. Sunny Anderson creates an all-new Easy AppleStuffing Loaf, and Jeff Mauro makes Roasted Turkey and RootVegetables. The hosts work together on a French Onion SoupPotato Gratin, and Katie Lee Biegel dishes out Mini PumpkinSpice Latte Puddings.
  12. until
    Top college football games from the Big 12, Big Ten and Pac-12conferences, beginning each Saturday with the brand-new BigNoon Kickoff pregame show on Fox.
  13. until
    Laura Rutledge, Tim Tebow, Roman Harper, Jordan Rodgers andPaul Finebaum get viewers ready for the day's games live froman SEC campus.
  14. until
    The Raneys rush to Texas homesteaders in severe hardship andunable to realize their dream of rescuing "kill" horses. Mistybuilds a multi-tier garden and duck pond, Marty constructs aninnovative horse barn and Matt designs a unique storm shelter.
  15. until
    The Circus examines the state of Biden's presidency one yearin. Two critical races for governor – a loss in Virginia anda razor-thin win in New Jersey – send shockwaves through theWhite House and Democratic party as they look ahead to midtermsin a year. Jennifer Palmieri speaks with Governor Phil Murphymoments after surviving re-election, while Alex Wagner speakswith Rep. Jim Clyburn about what Biden needs to do now to passhis agenda. John Heilemann talks with John Podesta and MarkMcKinnon talks with Rep. Cheri Bustos. Season finale.
  16. until
    As gold fever reignites, the Wolfpack must balancepreparations for a celebration to honor Billy, with a missionto haul 80-tons of old goldmining equipment up the mountain.
  17. until
    In the final part of a thrilling three-episode arc, Bravomanages to escape their SUV engulfed in flames, but plans goawry when Jason's personal and professional lives becomeintertwined and he's forced to make decisions that put Bravo'sjobs and lives at risk. The team works through disagreements,reveals exciting personal news and an unlikely hero emerges.
  18. until
    In order to save a Georgia homestead drowning in a snake andgator-invested swamp, the Raneys must find an ingenious way toreclaim the Buchannans' land from the encroaching mire and allit brings with it.
  19. until
    It's the semi-final. The bakers' patisserie skills are testedas they make delicate layered slices, a French classic andopulent entremets displays. Who will make it to the final?
  20. until
    After visiting a possible wedding venue, Shaun and Lea happenupon a terrible car accident and discover Alma, a youngpregnant mother who has been badly injured and needs immediatemedical attention. Back at St. Bonaventure, Alma's conditionworsens, and Shaun and Drs. Lim and Jordan are forced todeliver the baby prematurely. Meanwhile, Dr. Glassman isapprehensive when a figure from his past reaches out for help
  21. until
    Music Joe struggles to support Amy through a devastating loss.After Cop Joe and Amy's decision to turn Bobby in, they bothface unexpected blowback. Nurse Joe helps someone from hispast. Jenny tries to impress her law professor.
  22. until
    With the future of Paula's health staring them in the face,she and Mike decide to take a giant leap in their relationship.Nick deals with some lingering hesitation about beingvulnerable on camera, and Justin gets the opportunity to meetwith a Broadway director, which causes tension in hisrelationship with Simon. Meanwhile, Julia's husband, Kevin,makes a shocking return.
  23. until
    With the All-American game approaching Spencer is feelinguneasy until an old friend says something to him that makeseverything suddenly click. Olivia applies for a coveted summerinternship with the L.A. Tribune Online, but her testassignment takes a different turn than what they asked for.Jordan questions why no one sees him as great and the answer hegets takes him by surprise. Coop feels betrayed by Layla whenshe learns Layla is looking for a new artist and makes somehurtful accusations. Meanwhile, Billy discusses a newopportunity with Laura that might just be too good to turndown.
  24. until
    The group searches for answers while others react to asurprising message.
  25. until
    Officer Nolan and Bailey discover there's more to Fred's deaththan meets the eye; Officer Chen and Officer Bradford demand atreasure hunt rematch and enlist Officer Grey to help set theterms to a new bet.
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