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Everything posted by Midnight

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    Jake and Amy create a system to balance work and childcare andRosa gets a new houseguest.
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    When Zoey's ideas are used without credit by her boss, shedebates whether to speak up and risk her internship or sitsilently. Jazz seeks medical leave from the track team by goingto therapy. Aaron tries to make a good impression.
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    Captain Holt and Amy manage an understaffed precinct. Jake andCharles investigate.
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    Scott, Hooch and Xavier get stuck searching for a fugitive inthe quirky small town of El Dorado.
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    Mary goes deeper to realize an uncompromising vision. Boroshares her tale. Lisa perks up. Lou pushes for an ending, butwill he get the one he wants?
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    Tylor sees an opportunity to get promoted as Jokester duringMini-Monster Day at Monsters, Inc. when he is paired with Ms.Flint's daughter. Can he get her to laugh?
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    Forced to live &quot:off of the land&quot: on Earth Day,tension within the group erupts as treatment intensifies andhunger pains set in.
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    &quot:A few months later, I was in the psychologist'sreception room, paying for my fourth really good cry, when awoman carrying a child walked in. I didn't recognize her atfirst, and then I remembered her face. 'Are you the wife ofthe guy my wife is having an affair with- I asked tactlessly.'Yeah', she said. 'But we're not together anymore'".
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    As healing begins, the guests begin to doubt the retreat'sunconventional methods. They came for massages and relaxation,not to face their own mortality.
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    Promised total transformation, nine very different peoplearrive at Tranquillum House, a secluded retreat run by themysterious wellness guru Masha.
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    As Tommy's trial begins, Callie sees Jamie in a new light.After running into some old colleagues, Mariana wonders if shecan ever make amends. Malika must learn to establishboundaries; meanwhile, Alice and Ruby's relationship isrevealed.
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    Four chefs who lost GGG in their final cook the last timearound return for a second chance at proving themselves. Butthis time, Guy Fieri has made success even harder to attainwith two rounds of just 20 minutes to shop and cook! First,Guy asks the chefs to make a 20-minute appetizer, but he hitsthem with a grocery list of ingredients that gave them grief intheir first appearances. Then the chefs must make a chickendinner using limited ingredients, and the newly redeemedwinner goes on a must-see wild shopping spree!
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    Murphy, Felix and Max look to Josiah for answers about Jess.Gene makes a bold move.
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    Hiram shares with Reggie his origin story and how he went froma young Jaime Luna to the powerful kingpin of Riverdale.Elsewhere, Reggie reflects on his relationship with hisfather.
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    America's votes send 7 of the 12 acts to the semi-finals.Viewers have one last chance to vote during the show.
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    Aine finds out her friend Tom has killed himself. Shonaaccidentally leaves Vish a damning voicenote intended forCharlotte.
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    The existence of the house is under threat when a housematedecides to move out and the gang discovers that replacing themis virtually impossible.
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    A middle-school girl questions her sexuality when she findsherself having feelings for another girl. She turns to socialmedia quizzes for answers.
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