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Everything posted by Midnight

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    As Eclipso unleashes the final part of his master plan,Courtney, Pat and the JSA band together to take him down onceand for all.
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    As the Amazons close in on Marrisville, Nora reaches abreaking point. Yorick makes a new connection while 355 facesher past.
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    When Tennant and NCIS are tasked with finding a kidnappedglobe-trotting social media star, they find that she is notwho her husband, or her followers, think she is. Also, theteam is at odds with Whistler, who has an agenda of her own.
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    Dr. Park and Dr. Murphy treat an elderly Asian man brought toSt. Bonaventure by his daughter after being the victim of ahate crime. In addition, Lea goes behind Shaun's back to helpraise his negative patient satisfaction scores
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    After the shocking reveal on the premiere night after-show,Gabby works with Nick to try to get revenge and create somedrama for the show. Reggie tries to get back in with his formercoach, so that he can have another shot at playing in theNFL, and Monica visits a shaman. Meanwhile, Paula gets someconcerning news about her health, causing her to distanceherself from the others, and Simon and Justin try to navigatetheir relationship.
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    As the 4400 become even more disenchanted with theiraccommodations, new rules have everyone on edge. Andre andLaDonna help Claudette push her new-found ability to newlimits. Keisha and Jharrell explore a way to ease the tensionfor a small group of the returned and Shanice gets anunexpected visitor. Meanwhile, Rev begins to believe he may bepart of a higher calling, but what will that mean for the restof the 4400?
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    NCIS investigates the death of a beloved Navy commander whotrained some of the top athletes in the country.
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    The gang celebrates a birthday, but not everyone is happyabout it. As Olivia and Spencer's relationship grows stronger,Olivia struggles with the rift between Billy and Spencer.Jordan's buried feelings come to the surface leaving his andBilly's relationship strained. Meanwhile, Asher is trying tocome to terms with his football career but is hopeful when hegoes to see a new doctor.
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    Malcolm surprises Calvin and Tina when he brings home a newmotorcycle; Dave and Gemma aim to rev up their social lifewith a spontaneous trip to Las Vegas.
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    When a new designer drug hits LA streets, it turns users into"zombies", and Officer Nolan and the team have aHalloween they won't soon forget. Back at home, Lucy questionswhether her apartment building might be haunted.
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    With the DOJ at the door, Logan summons his arsenal, whileTom makes a potentially life changing offer. Kendall becomesobsessed with his own takedown.
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    Jakub and his army come out of the dark and attack Charles andhis fighters. Charles must make a decision to free his familyof the ancient book's curse.
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    Members of the group put a dangerous plan into motion, whileothers have serious reservations as more startling revelationscome to light.
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    As Callen continues hunting Katya, Kilbride enlists NCIS tohelp find a truckload of stolen guns. The assignment becomesmore challenging when their suspect, the son of a mob bossthey believe was planning to sell them, is found dead.
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    As each member of Bravo confronts major family obstacles, theteam gets spun up on a sudden mission in Africa. When the intelalters their plan, the team finds themselves in a rush toprevent a major terrorist attack.
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    McCall comes closer than ever to being captured when she racesto prevent the murder of District Attorney Grafton, theprosecutor seeking to bring her to justice.
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