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Everything posted by Midnight

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    Guest host Victoria Coren Mitchell and panellists TV presenterRylan and journalist Robert Peston join team captains PaulMerton and Ian Hislop.
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    Following devastation in Kent and the cyber-attack whichcontinues to jam communications, the Prime Minister convenesan emergency COBRA meeting.
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    In their first individual challenge, the designers take onstreetwear - the most relevant and individualized style infashion. Working with male, female, and nonbinary models,the competitors dig into their unique personal experiences andcultures to create breakout looks to catch the eye of theircool guest judge: social media fashion icon, Wisdom Kaye.
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    Tony's confronted with news that throws him into a tailspin,while Fred banks his first gold of the season. And, Parker'screw stalls out at the Airstrip.
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    Joining Graham tonight: comedy legend Billy Connolly, talkingabout his autobiography Windswept & Interesting; JodieWhittaker, starting her final series of Doctor Who; BritishOlympic champion diver Tom Daley; acting great Dame EileenAtkins, promoting her memoir Will She Do?; and comedian andwriter Sir Lenny Henry. Music comes from the mighty Coldplay,who perform their single My Universe.
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    As the Hypnotist hunts for more victims, a dangerous figurefrom Carrie's past threatens to shatter her new friends' trustin her. Carrie sets aside dreams of escape to save Nolan'smissing family before it's too late.
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    Bull faces uncertainty in court, when TAC handles a classaction suit against a vaping company selling malfunctioningdevices, and the trial outcome hinges on just one juror.Also, Marissa takes the initiative when Bull ignores TAC'sgrowing financial difficulties.
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    The housemates grieve the loss of one of their own.
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    On Gina's first day as the new owner of the retirement home,she asks Drew for help getting through to a short-temperedresident whose wife is sick.
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    Hope realizes she has a difficult choice to make, much toAlaric's disapproval. Kaleb and MG come up with their own planto help Hope as Hope seeks help from Josie and Lizzie.Meanwhile, Alaric realizes he needs to relinquish control.
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