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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Grissom and Sara's investigation into charges against DavidHodges heats up as Internal Affairs joins the hunt. Also,pressure rises for the CSIs when a video game developer's bodyis found floating in a fountain before a huge gamingtournament.
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    As the team works to solve a deadly shooting in Burnside,Atwater realizes he has a very personal connection to the case.
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    Mamie takes matters into her own hands. The fate of the futureis revealed.
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    In the show's milestone 200th episode, Casey makes alife-altering decision. Gallo, Ritter and Violet agree to aninterview and photo shoot. Brett and Mouch launch theparamedicine program. Cruz comes closer to fatherhood.
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    Dylan and Charles treat patients suffering from Glass ChildSyndrome and misdiagnosed ADHD. Crockett has to navigatehospital politics when he cares for the daughter of atransplant surgeon. Will and Stevie must lay egos aside to helpsave an elderly patient.
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    With Beverly's encouragement, Mr. Glascott moves in next doorto the Goldbergs and slowly goes from friendly neighbor tocluelessly intrusive. Adam and Murray become increasinglydisgruntled while Beverly comes up with a plan to occupy Mr.Glascott's time with a new friend, Mr. Woodburn. Meanwhile,Barry lands in urgent care with a case of poison ivy in acompromising area - his rear end. Erica and Geoff are called totask to take care of Barry and his ridiculous demands,inadvertently testing their parenting skills and patience withone another.
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    When a new incarnation of Gotham's swamp slumming Killer Crocsurfaces and starts racking up a body count, the inauguralteam-up of Batwoman and Alice is put to the test. But Aliceisn't the only unwanted intrusion into Ryan's life when JadaJet shows up at Wayne Enterprises, insisting on meeting thecompany's new CEO. Luke and Mary's relationship is strainedunder the weight of a secret Luke is keeping, while Sophiefinds herself becoming part of Ryan's inner circle.
  8. until
    While the Legends contemplate how to get to New York City,Behrad discovers Hoover has train tickets to DC and Sara andAva come up with a plan. With Zari stuck without the internet,she is forced to take a digital detox and becomes obsessed withfiguring out who blew up the Waverider. Meanwhile, Astra andSpooner have stayed behind in Texas and are dealing with theaftermath of Astra's special spell.
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    The trio races toward a resolution while their own lives areput in danger.
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    Joe begrudgingly goes on a hunting trip with some other localhusbands as Love tries to manage her burgeoning relationshipwith Theo.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Estranged and out-of-touch, four women in their 40s reunitefor a chance to recapture their fame and regain the swaggerthey had as the Nasty *******-their '90s group that made themlegends in the hip-hop world.
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    Angela asks Tyrique for a favor and meets with Teddy, whotakes the first steps into welcoming her into the family.Angela also tries to get Nikki accepted into the Oak BluffsCotillion, Raymond confides in Olivia and theNikki-Taylor-Lauren triangle heats up. Then, Leah is shockedby Lauren's behavior and Teddy's condition worsens.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Kara lands her dream story for Catco but when the city issuddenly attacked by a nightmare monster at the same time asher interview, she is forced to take a serious look at herlife and decide if she can continue to live as both Kara andSupergirl. As Dreamer takes the lead on the search for theDream Totem, which can vanquish they nightmare monster inNational City, she realizes she needs to ask her sister Maevefor help. Old wounds resurface as the two sisters come face toface.
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    While looking for a distraction on Halloween, Conrad treats agroup of witches who send the ER into chaos. Also, Devontreats a patient who thinks he is being haunted by ghosts.Meanwhile, on the way back from his vacation, Bell picks up ahitchhiker who is not what he seems to be.
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    Alone at last, or not? Salvare's team faces a rough ride home- and a cautious reentry. Elsewhere, Erik tests Achaian tech,then asks for a favor.
  18. until
    The idyllic town of Larkinville is tormented by 13-year-oldTrevor Larkin, a bully with a menacing scar and massive build.Trevor is particularly pumped when a new student, aka an idealtarget, arrives to school.
  19. until
    Chucky targets one of Jake's frenemies, forcing Jake to eitherstop the killer doll - or help him.
  20. until
    The world learns about the affair and Monica Lewinsky becomesthe most famous woman in America.
  21. until
    The sight of a crashing plane spreads a wave of unexpected hopethrough the clearing as Eve and the other survivors search forits fallen pilot. Gavin and Izzy seek help from an unlikelysource after the government permanently suspends their missioninto the sinkhole.
  22. until
    After a frightening encounter leaves Courtney's life hanging inthe balance, the team band together to determine their nextsteps.
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    Coming Soon...
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  25. until
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