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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    The new planet holds promise - and unexpected threats in thebrush. The tables turn as Richard reaches out to Iara. TheAchaia open up to Erik.
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    The return of the Stoneybrook Baby Parade leads to a crafty(and chaotic) project for the BSC - and a bittersweet surprisefor Kristy and her family.
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    Tensions at the PriceMax spiral out of control. Hero and Sampass the point of no return. Nora uncovers dangerous secrets.
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    Fourteen-year old Ella should be excited about her class fieldtrip to thelegendary Fox Theatre. Unfortunately, her ex-bestfriend, Zoe, is also going. At the theatre, a tour guidetells the tale of a 1938 fire that claimed the lives of anacting troupe in rehearsal.
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    Halloween events affect each world in profoundly differentways. While some are putting on a mask to hide from reality,others are shedding theirs and confronting past choices.
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    Dr. Shaun Murphy and the team treat a young girl whose father'spersonal research complicates their treatment plans.Meanwhile, Dr. Park, Dr. Reznick and Dr. Lim's patientrefuses a life-saving lung transplant despite having a familydonor
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    When a Japanese sailor is killed on American soil and evidencelinks the case to the previous murder of the victim'sgirlfriend back in Japan, NCIS must find the murderer beforethe wrong person is accused and the case triggers a diplomaticcrisis. Also, Captain Milius makes a personal request toTennant.
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    An impulsive retaliation by Love lands her and Joe in a bind.Though Joe seeks a different way out than usual, it proves tobe a tall order.
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    When a trip back to Gabby and Justin's high school leads to abig emotional reveal, both Gabby and the producers are leftwondering how to best move forward. Meanwhile, Nick tries hisbest to stage a very important conversation between Mike andPaula - against their will. Then, Reggie works to figure outhow to cope with a new development in his relationship, andJulia struggles to relate to her daughters, while they copewith the changes in their family.
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    When Calvin and Tina enlist the services of a professionalmatchmaker for Marty, they can't help but get too caught up inthe process; Dave and Gemma adopt new roles during anunexpected date night.
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    The members of the 118 face an awkward rescue call when theyarrive on the scene of a man who has over-exerted himselfexercising. The team also must save the life of a groundskeeperwhose chainsaw cut into him and race to an explosion at aretirement community. Meanwhile, Athena has an extremereaction to Harry's new behavior. Then, Hen and Eddie, aswell as Buck and Ravi, have rocky starts to their newpartnerships, and May receives an emergency call from asuicidal teen, while continuing her uneasy work relationshipwith Claudette.
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    Murdoch investigates the murder of a ladies man and Crabtree'saunt is the prime suspect.
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    The shaken siblings make a shocking discovery in the wake ofbattle. Now, to protect their kingdom, they must do somethingthey never thought possible.
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    A determined Hansel and Gretel gather a small army of allies totake down the dragon that's been darkening the skies.
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    Hansel and Gretel return home armed with questions. But whenthey don't like their parents' answers, they decide to takematters into their own hands.
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    The once-mysterious Johannes tells the children an illuminatingtale about a blue room, a cursed painting, a golden princessand a royal wedding.
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    When Lucky wakes from surgery, Max has to deliver somelife-changing news. Josh tries to cope with the pressures offatherhood and work, and Henrik is shocked when a familiarface returns to Holby.
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  24. until
    Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge willonly take you so far. Two teams who won their opening heatsreturn for the next stage of the competition.
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