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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    When Upton and Ruzek answer an emergency call to an abandonedhouse, their investigation leads them down a dark path.
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    Kidd spreads her wings as a lieutenant. Chief Hawkins rideswith Ambulance 61 to learn more about Brett. Casey takes a tripout of town. A Ritter date night turns into an emergencysituation.
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    Marina worries Camila's lost touch with her Mexican heritage,so she enlists Tom and the rest of the family to help reconnectwith her roots. Prompted by Denise, Sarah interviews for a jobat Gretchen's school but receives some unwanted assistance fromConnor.
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    It's &quot:Take Your Son to Work Day&quot: and Dean heads toband practice with Bill. But the "grown folks'business" at the music studio prompts Lillian to have topick up Dean. While at her office, Dean finally learns whathis mom does while he's at school all day, gaining a newfoundrespect for her career and ambition.
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    The chipmunks make a deal with Donald.
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    Donald is stranded in the park at night.
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    It's Dan and Louise's wedding day, but it's a far-from-perfectwalk down the aisle, especially when a weather reportforecasts that a tornado is headed for Lanford creating chaosand surprises.
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    The characters from Group B return for their secondperformances of the season, and a new wildcard enters thegame.
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    Chip and Dale order food from Donald.
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    Charles helps Dylan with a longtime patient who was recentlydiagnosed with schizophrenia. Stevie, Maggie and Vanessainvestigate the legitimacy of a patient's cancer diagnosis.Crockett is caught off-guard. Will pitches a new medicaltechnology.
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    Never a sports enthusiast, Adam finds himself in a pickle withhis peers when he's recruited to film his high school's highlyawaited last football game of the year and fails to capture histeam's winning touchdown. Meanwhile, Beverly discovers herneighbor Arnie Wolfy is moving and she's determined to buy hisspacious home and move the family in. Murray's long-standingand unresolved conflict with Arnie challenges Beverly's plans,but the family comes to appreciate home is where the heart is.
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    Fran wakes up in Kat's basement, chained to a bed andconfronted with a table of computer monitors with live CCTVfeeds of rooms around Kat's mansion. Her true intentionsrevealed, can Fran stop Kat from serving Jamie her last meal?
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    After Fran has a secret meeting with a private investigatorJamal to dig up dirt on Kat, she and Jamie shop for their lasthit together. Fran seems surprisingly upbeat about the end oftheir professional partnership, clearly convinced that shewill be able to expose Kat to Jamie. But when Jamal discoversnothing, the guilt kicks in and Fran and Jamie get emotionalas they take out their final hit - gobby spa owner and humantrafficker Siobhan.
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    Max struggles with a new fiscal reality at the hospital. Dr.Sharpe is on a mission to provide follow-up cancer screeningsfor patients before it's too late. Bloom grapples with Dr.Shinwari's new overnight schedule.
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    When teen Jake Wheeler buys a vintage doll at a yard sale, hisyoung life changes forever.
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    The battle rounds continue as the coaches enlist music industrypowerhouses Jason Aldean, Kristin Chenoweth, Dierks Bentleyand Camila Cabello to prepare their artists to go head-to-headin hopes of advancing to the knockouts. Each coach has onesteal and one save at their disposal.
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    Kimberly uncovers a secret. 355 and Allison reach anunderstanding. Yorick stumbles upon a mysterious town wherethings are not what they seem.
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