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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Legendary chef Niki Nakayama gives the cooks a taste of Japan.
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    Cheryl enlists the help of Archie, Kevin, Fangs and Reggieafter she learns there is palladium underneath her maplegroves. Meanwhile, Betty and Alice confront a trucker who mayhave been involved in Polly's disappearance. Elsewhere,Jughead and Archie each confront events from their past.
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    Harry's newfound talent brings an unexpected visitor to town.Alma decides to take matters into her own hands.
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    A mission across the pond turns into a trip down memory lanefor Malory while Cheryl/Carol teaches Pam about Britishhistory.
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    Oliver employs his theater director skills to analyze the case.Charles & Mabel question an obsessive cat lover.
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    The group begins researching the victim. Meanwhile, Mabel'ssecretive past starts to be unraveled.
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    The wagon train attempts to cross the Blue Mountains, butEzekiel worries their journey has been cursed by God.Meanwhile, Benny tries to make amends with Trig.
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    Upper West Side neighbors Charles, Oliver &amp: Mabel bondover a shared love of true crime. When a fellow resident diesin their building, the trio determine to solve the mystery andrecord an accompanying podcast.
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    Percussionist Alma wants to be accepted by her tight-knit Cubanfamily, but to understand why they disapprove of her musicalcareer, she must revisit their history.
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    Cornelia Marie skippers Josh and Casey follow a blind tip froman unknown fisherman into uncharted waters. Johnathan fears forthe worst when Freddy lands in the icy Bering Sea. On theWizard, Captain Keith tempts fate, risking thousands in crabgear right at the ice edge.
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    Kelly meets Joey, a young orphaned alien boy, who is actingout in foster care because he fears there is something wrongwith his brother Orlando, who is incarcerated. Kelly asks Karato help her investigate and they stumble upon abuse at theprison. Meanwhile, Nyxly crashes one of Nia's dreams and asksher for help.
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    As Pat considers whether he should come clean to Courtney aboutEclipso's past, a surprise visit from Crock and Paula catcheshim and Barbara off guard. A tense run-in with The Shadeprovides Courtney with some valuable information. Finally,Cindy makes her move.
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    Still searching for Lucius and his knowledge of the Spear,Cait takes the fight to the redoubt, and to all those who arewaiting for her.
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    Cheese goes on a ride along with Big.
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    When Stan realizes he can't cry, he asks Steve to teach himempathy.
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    Max investigates the break-in meanwhile, Alex continues hisresearch. Rosa and Isobel team up and Liz makes a shockingdiscovery.
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    When Danny shares good news about Greylock's finances, Sarahwinds up in a debate that traps her between her two closestfriends. Corinne is trying to right her wrongs, but she can'tcatch a break, especially after Sarah drops a major bombshell.Meanwhile, Bella and Tyler get creative with each of theirschool projects, which helps Sarah and Grover in ways theydidn't realize they needed.
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    At the annual Witch Day Festival, Kimberly mixes up a magicwitch potion that actually works, causing Jing to becomepossessed. Duncan and his friends enter a haunted Circuit Cityand Jack tries again to finally win Annie a stuffed animal atthe milk bottle toss.
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