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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    On vacation with Curtis, Anna and Maya are introduced to newcrippling insecurities. The girls try to ignore them, but amystical turn makes their self-doubt impossible to forget.
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    As she looks into the deaths, Poppy uncovers a massive secret.Shreve reveals a medical diagnosis to his family.
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    Baba ventures into hostile territory in search of Haniwa. QueenKane consecrates a new Payan capital and makes a surprisingannouncement.
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    The team locks down in the office to isolate and destroy amurderous demon that followed them home.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Blake makes a life changing announcement, in more than oneway. Fallon calls on NeNe Leakes to help stir the pot ofcompetition in the online shopping world. Alexis attempts tomake amends with Fallon and Adam, but they are both suspiciousof her.
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    In the aftermath of his fight with Nightwing, anti-heroes RedHood and Jonathan Crane reteam for the first phase of theirfearsome plan. Then, through a series of flashbacks, RedHood's origins are revealed.
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    Coming Soon...
  9. until
    While Brooke sets out to help her mother connect with her manyPat-hungry fans, enviable new couple Cary and Jess show ayoung *** man and his daddy around New York City. Later, Chasedebuts a career-changing video destined to get the whole worldtalking.
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    With their little brother ChaseDreams officially retired and incollege, Cary and Brooke must contend with a new famous familymember: their 53-year-old mother Pat, who's now a wildlysuccessful talk show host. While aspiring music manager Brookedesperately searches for the next pop sensation, Cary jugglesa thousand random hosting gigs... and a new boyfriend.
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    Talon and Luna recruit an old friend to help them find anancient key. Tobin and Falista have an extraordinary meeting.Wren and Janzo unleash a menace, causing Garret and Zed to goon a hunt.
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    Paranoia and suspicion grow among the surviving group, asanother body is discovered and terrible secrets from the pastcome to the surface.
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    A simple robbery case at a local drag club ends up being morecomplicated than expected. As Shade and Angie race to stop abank heist, they admire their clients' ability to be true tothemselves and express their feelings.
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    Coming Soon...
  15. until
    Gary and Terri's wedding in Ireland is finally here. And withKay in charge of planning, what could possibly go wrong?
  16. until
    Aulus returns from his trip to the Underworld. Willa revealsthat if Cait secures the Spear of The Silver Dawn then thetribes will be united.
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    Green Goblin invents a weather machine to wreak havoc on thecity.
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    Green Goblin uses a remote to control the city's pigeons sothey will steal for him.
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    Elena discovers that all of her friends have already had theirfirst kisses.
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    Coming Soon...
  21. until
    While an accusation from Gossip Girl throws Julien's life intoa tailspin, Zoya takes matters into her own hands. Kate facesbacklash from her colleagues. Obie and Aki take a stand. Maxnavigates foreign emotions.
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    Coming Soon...
  23. until
    The Master Maker is crowned as Nick and Amy task everyone witha "Making It" staple: the Shed Hack; this time,however, the makers get to turn a shed into their own personalhappy place.
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    When the FBI takes over a high-profile case, Jake keepsdigging. Amy and Rosa negotiate with O'Sullivan and the policeunion.
  25. until
    It's too many courts and too little time for the folks atReddick/Lockhart. Marissa is mounting a strong defense inVinetta's court for Matteo, while Diane attempts to get aninterview with him in order to spring Matteo from court.Carmen, Liz, and Allegra defend drug dealer, Oscar Rivi, asprosecutors attempt to put him back in prison.
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