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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    The Kellys face gunfire from angry locals in Elim. Shawninjures himself on the Myrtle. Emily loses her rock-soliddiver. Vernon finds a secret golden spot. The Black Swanfinally gets on gold.
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    The All Stars storm the runway in their bold and blue-tifulbest - in the Blue Ball! Guest Judge Big Freedia helps decidewhose design will earn a blue ribbon.
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    Coming Soon...
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    In search of medical attention, the Hemlock stops at Candy'shome planet of Skov. However, the destination is in sometrouble.
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    David Mitchell is host with guests the Rev Richard Coles andJaney Godley joining team captains Paul Merton and Ian Hislopas they delve into the news.
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    Jodie's celebrity is on the rise and she begins to date thesuperhero Wonder Man. At Jodie's book release party,M.O.D.O.K. tries to win her back by provoking Wonder Man intoattacking him. The debacle leads to unexpected repercussions.
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    A young man, Otto, searches for an old man, Stuart, who isbelieved to be suffering from dementia. Otto provides Stuart ameans to regain his memory: memory implants that Otto procuredon the black market. But as Stuart's memory regenerates, webegin to question Otto's motives and ultimately uncover ashocking truth about Stuart's identity - a truth thatreverberates throughout all seven stories of the series.
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    It's crunch time for the campers to get to the boat and maketheir escape... until Ben disappears, deciding he'd ratherstay. Can Darius change his mind?
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    As Olivia's wedding arrives, Ryan, Kim and Karen findthemselves facing tough changes - but also discoveringopportunities that may be truly special.
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    Nicholas is having a rough day and finds solace in Suze, whichleads Genevieve to test Nicholas.
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    Maggie debuts a new art show at an unconventional venue. Clarehelps Kelsey at work, as their dating lives becomeintertwined. Liza convinces Charles to come to her literarysalon where a major talent reads.
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    Bell's family goes public with their lawsuit, which leads toalmost-instant repercussions on the job. Angela tries toextract her children from Wheatley's clutches. Stabler puts thefinishing touches on a long-awaited plan.
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    For this week's Quickfire Challenge, Fred Armisen and CarrieBrownstein from the hit comedy series "Portlandia"task the chefs with creating a dish using hipster ingredientsusing only old vintage appliances and equipment. For theirElimination Challenge, the chefs must develop and create arecipe fit for the home cook, and are surprised whenunexpected guests show up to test their recipes. All-Staralumni and cookbook authors Dale Talde and Richard Blais jointhe judges' table to help decide which chef must pack theirknives.
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    Against Rebel's advice, Cruz turns to a familiar source tohelp dig up proof that proves the Stonemore valve is faulty.Elsewhere, Rebel, Cassidy and Grady come together to helpZiggy after learning that her friends have been unjustlyexpelled from school. Meanwhile, Lana continues to search formore information about Angela and instead is confronted with ashocking revelation.
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    When Hazel starts planning her 11th birthday party, she learnsthat Al doesn't know when his birthday is so she invites him toshare the day with her. Also, Riley tries to find a way todeal with Vanessa's new boyfriend.
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    Levi gets accepted into the vaccine trial. Meanwhile, Ameliaand Owen treat a car crash patient, and Hayes and Jo are metwith Luna's legal guardian.
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    Garland asks Benson to investigate an unusual domestic violencecase when his neighbor is found injured.
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    When Vic helps her parents through a devastating loss, theyhave a long overdue conversation about the anguish of beingBlack in America.
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    While planning an over-the-top birthday surprise for her mom,Kim receives some bad news about her legal studies that makesher question whether she is cut out to be a lawyer. WhenKourtney finds out that Kendall has been secretly returning allof her gifts, she comes up with a plan to catch Kendall in alie.
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    Frances Cairnes begins her search for the person who killed hersix-year-old son in a hit and run. DI Strangeways arrives onthe Isle of Wight, hoping for a fresh start after the death ofhis colleague.
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