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Everything posted by Midnight
untilDominique is disappointed in the sales for her new business andJeff advises her to remain patient, but Dom has other plans.Fallon and Sam are faced with a very difficult task. Kirbywants to jump back into modeling, ignoring the concerns of herfriends. Meanwhile, Adam turns to drastic measures to impressthe hospital board. Blake takes Cristal on another adventure,determined to get what he wants. Lastly, Culhane and Samreceive a surprise.
untilGary and Stuart go orienteering with their boys, up againstnasty neighbour Aaron. Back in the Crescent, Big Gary isdelving into the King family history and Terri turns detective
untilWhile reeling from another painful blow, Segev stumbles onsecret messages from his wife. Tali learns the truth about whyDanielle was targeted.
S.O.Z. Soldiers or Zombies 1x7 - The Devil Lurks
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilMurdoch takes extreme measures to contain the crisis, butSnowman has other plans. Davila and Lilia face an unexpectedambush. Lucas's attempts to save an old friend put him in gravedanger, and Marroquin realizes that his enemies have foundhim. -
S.O.Z. Soldiers or Zombies 1x6 - Chocolates
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilA zombie is tormented by his human memories. A secret missionends badly when the US Army Rangers face an enemy that seems tobe bulletproof. Valencia must break an oath. Romeo is hunted byhis own past, and Chainsaw uses his abilities to capture amonster. -
untilSegev spots a familiar face at JFK and sets out in pursuit.Meanwhile, Tali gets in trouble at work, and Naomi brokers ameeting with the CIA.
untilMultiple people's lives are put in danger when the avengermakes a final desperate move, leading to devastatingconsequences.
untilTali identifies the man from Segev's wedding video, the policeclose in on Ron, and Naomi seeks intel from a New York Timesreporter.
S.O.Z. Soldiers or Zombies 1x5 - The Perfect Soldier
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilWhen Snowman's experiments on an infected human fail, Murdochagrees to get more human subjects. Agent Taft discovers a clueabout Marroquin. Lilia escapes from an enemy thanks to Davila'shelp. -
untilSofía studies Luis' drawings to work out who the avenger istargeting next. Natalia and María accept an invitation. Rositadoesn't heed a warning.
F*** You Very, Very Much 1x10 - Season 1, Episode 10
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilComing Soon... -
S.O.Z. Soldiers or Zombies 1x4 - Friends and Enemies
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilThe zombie army recruits new members. Marroquin discovers thatone of his men is a traitor, and a new danger hunts Lucas,who realizes that something strange is happening. Becerril getscloser to his human enemies. -
untilA visit to the New York dance company sends Segev on adesperate search for clues to his wife's past. In Israel,Assaf is interrogated by his captors.
untilOn the day of Quintanilla's goodbye ceremony, Sofia and Raulrace to discern who the next victim will be. María attempts tohelp Natalia.
F*** You Very, Very Much 1x9 - Season 1, Episode 9
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilComing Soon... -
untilIn New York, two old friends from the Mexico days help Segevtrack down the elusive Isaac. The Wexlers host a memorialservice at their home.
S.O.Z. Soldiers or Zombies 1x3 - No Bosses
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilSnowman's plans to expand his experiments take an unexpectedturn. Despite being fired and threatened, Lilia decides tokeep going and interview the world's most wanted fugitive. DEAagent Taft breaks the chain of command and sets out on apersonal quest. Meanwhile, Lucas disobeys his father's orders. -
untilRaul and Sofia try to find Gerry before the avenger gets tohim. Desperate to raise money, Natalia tries an unorthodoxdating app.
F*** You Very, Very Much 1x8 - Season 1, Episode 8
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilComing Soon... -
untilNatalia's account of what transpired the night before sparks anargument between Javi and Sofia. Pablo struggles with the newsabout María.
S.O.Z. Soldiers or Zombies 1x2 - The Boss Is Back
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilWhen Marroquin reunites with his son Lucas, he realizes thatbeing a father is more difficult than running a criminalempire. Becerril and his elite unit realize they haveunderestimated their opponent. The effects of the US Armysecret experiment keep spreading. -
untilSegev begins to question the nature of the accident as moreclues emerge to Danielle's mystery caller and the car's driver.
F*** You Very, Very Much 1x7 - Season 1, Episode 7
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilComing Soon... -
untilSofia and Javi try to predict what the avenger will do whenRosita insists on hosting a party at her house. Gerry feelscooped up at Raul's place.
F*** You Very, Very Much 1x6 - Season 1, Episode 6
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilComing Soon...