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Everything posted by Midnight
Guy's Grocery Games 27x6 - All-Star Egg-stravaganza
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilChef Antonia Lofaso and Guy Fieri's son Hunter pull a prank onGuy by turning this all-star competition into a full-on EGGepisode - even though Guy hates eggs! First, the all-starchefs get 15 minutes to make an egg dish Guy would actuallyeat. They get points based on how many bites, if any, Guytakes of each dish. Then the chefs must use specialty eggs andnine other ingredients to make an upscale egg dish. The chefthat whips up the highest score gets the choice of amoney-making shopping spree or a jumbo check hidden behind thestore's sliding doors! -
untilComing Soon...
untilAs the case winds down, Kendra feels there's still a missingpiece of the puzzle.
untilHolby's new director of improvement is furious when Hanssenattempts to block their plans for AAU. Evie finds herselffacing an impossible decision, and time is running out forChloe to find a suitable candidate for Eli's medical trial.
untilKendra and Agent Hunter find proof of a larger conspiracy: aconfrontation leaves Kendra shaken.
Teen Titans Go! 7x15 - Cartoons You Never Seen Before In YourLife
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilComing Soon... -
untilWhen a documentary team comes to Button House to investigate ahistorical assassination plot, Alison and the ghosts areshocked to discover that it involved one of their own.
Only Connect 17x5 - Discotheques v Muppets
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilA team of disco lovers take on three film fans in this openingheat. -
untilKendra looks for connections between the victims: Max andKendra hatch a plan with the FBI.
untilKendra shares information with her FBI counterpart: Kendragets a big break in the case.
untilKendra learns about a mysterious passenger on the run afterescaping from U.S. Marshals' custody.
Teen Titans Go! 7x14 - Trans Oceanic Magical Cruise
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilIt's fun on the high seas, as the Teen Titans enjoy a cruisefilled with dangerous missions, fast cars, and alien attacks. -
untilKendra Malley is called to the U.S. to investigate a high-speedtrain crash in rural Michigan.
Teen Titans Go! 7x13 - Manor and Mannerisms
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilComing Soon... -
Guy's Grocery Games 27x5 - Food Network Star Favorites
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilGuy Fieri brings in four favorites from Food Network Star tocompete in some special games. Every Food Network Starcontestant knows the importance of demonstrating a uniqueculinary point of view, so Guy challenges them to make apoint-of-view dinner using only ingredients from five sectionsof the store designated by stars. Then the chefs must make aguilt-free guilty pleasure that includes items from Guy'sone-of-a-kind grocery list. The chef with the top combinedscore after both rounds gets their turn in the spotlight and ashot at winning up to ,000! -
untilWith a new rivalry crew threatening the Rez Dogs, Elora seeksout her Uncle to help them learn how to fight.
Roswell, New Mexico 3x4 - Walk on the Ocean
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilIsobel and Maria take a trip together to look for answers. Kylereceives a message from his past. Michael makes a disturbingdiscovery. -
The Republic of Sarah 1x10 - From Simple Sources
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilGreylock is threatened with a massive flood as unseasonablywarm weather melts the snow from the recent blizzard. KnowingGreylock will be underwater in hours, Sarah must ask for helpfrom the last person she wants to rely on: Paul. Grover ischallenged by his therapist to lean into what makes him happy,while Bella and Tyler take a big step in their relationship. -
untilFlailing in his open relationship, Harry leaves a string ofdeeply regrettable voicemail messages on his boyfriend's phone.
Modern Love 2x4 - A Life Plan for Two, Followed by One
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
until":He was everything a 10-year-old girl could ever hope forin a man. It was decided; I was in love. I started to wonderif the glow from my wedding dress would make him lookwashed-out. I began devising a plan in which he and I would endup '2gether 4ever', as all my notebooks stated". -
Brand New Cherry Flavor 1x4 - Tadpole Smoothie
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilIf a weird door in the floor opens, why not go down it? Aschaos reigns, Lou confronts Lisa. Clues to Boro's pastmaterialize. A new opening appears. -
American Dad! 18x18 - Dr. Sunderson's SunSuckers
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilHayley and Jeff help one of Roger's personas run a solarcompany. -
untilWhen Ainsley innocently asks the house about their thoughts onprivate schools, all the fault lines are exposed...
Brand New Cherry Flavor 1x3 - Roman Candle
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilLost in Boro's jungle and astonished by her rampaging plant,Lisa gets an unsavory proposition from Lou. First comes ascreening - then the screams. -
Modern Love 2x3 - Strangers on a (Dublin) Train
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: Pogdesign
untilTwo strangers meet on a train from Galway to Dublin in March2020 and decide to go old school: no numbers exchanged, only apromise that they will meet up on the train two weeks later.And then a worldwide pandemic shuts down all of Ireland.