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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    The chefs take on the blind taste test challenge with messyconsequences.
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    A high-stakes situation leaves the friends scrambling to figureout their next move.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Megatron's continued use of the Golden Disk to guide hisactions threatens to derail Optimus Prime's attempt to obtainthe Allspark.
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    Check these ferrets broh. Gotta keep it in the family though.
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    Coming Soon...
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    New Year's Eve 1989. It's Mo's &quot:wedding day&quot:, butpriority number one is to make sure he and his crew live to seeanother decade. He and Dawn, Blair, Keith and Yassir worktogether to do whatever it takes to make sure that happens.Season finale.
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    Emmett tells Tiff to make a decision. Imani and Shaad get aclean slate. Jake comes clean to Jemma. Trig gives Douda anultimatum. Tracy throws a celebratory block party. Nina and Dreput their problems aside to help someone in need.
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    After Shane shoots down her latest career plans, Rachel isfurther blindsided by an unexpected arrival. Just as Belindabegins to take her business proposition seriously, Tanya'sattention turns to an intriguing hotel guest. Meanwhile,Armond's renewed commitment to sobriety is put to the test.
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    Sean has a bad day, so the family goes bowling to try andcheer him up. Meanwhile, Trish and Jacque figure out how tofinally be their own bosses. Earl finally gets his burrito.
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    Deran follows up on Smurf's will and grows frustrated with Jcalling the shots. Pope's mental state is fragile and Craigmust deal with being a solo dad as Renn goes back to work.
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    Detectives question Allison about the night before. After thetrauma of the break in, Kevin searches for meaning by runningfor city council. Kurt plants a seed of doubt, while Allisonand Patty deal with the repercussions of their actions.
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    Still reeling from a shocking death, Kanan pushes his way intothe drug game with Marvin's help while Raq plots to take downher competition.
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    To celebrate the end of their Abitur exams, the students throwa costume party at school - and things get a little out ofcontrol.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Did you wonder what this trio were up to during the pandemic?Well, they took some classic American cars and went on a grandtour adventure through the Scottish coastal roads. There areoverheated engines, shouting, plenty of tea, and a wholeload of classic car chaos.
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    The guys take a road trip to Rotterdam. Marie asks Lisa to keepan eye on her brother. When Moritz crosses a line, Dan doesdamage control.
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    Moritz hires a high-priced business consultant. Kira and Dancome up with new ways to raise money for Lenny's medicaltreatment.
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    Garret is set free but must serve a new ruler. Talon and Zedreturn to save the Blackbloods but discover a tragedy. Falistatries to make peace.
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    Lenny helps Moritz with the site on one condition: that theykeep their collaboration a secret. Meanwhile, Jens frets abouthis son's future.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Will Holby City's new director of improvement be able to turnthe hospital around? Can Ange put her personal news aside andprove that she runs a tight ship on AAU?
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    Stan finally decides to do something about his secret baldnessand enlists the help of Josay Bosay, Roger's famedhair-stylist-to-the-stars persona.
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    Jacob struggles to find a safe path as tensions with Tinaescalate.
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