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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Owen does damage control after accidentally ruining a marriageproposal. Molly attends Bitsy's birthday party with Brendan.
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    Stephen welcomes actress Hannah Einbinder and comic AlexFalcone.
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    Stephen welcomes actress Emily Blunt and sportscaster BobCostas.
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    Stephen welcomes actor Jason Sudeikis and a musical performanceby Yola.
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    Stephen welcomes TV host Joy Reid and a musical performance byAlessia Cara.
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    Francine and Roger get lost in a good book (or five) afterFrancine escapes an embarrassing situation. Stan reluctantlyhangs out at the library.
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    The ninjas face up to 10 obstacles in the Semifinals,including new obstacles Wall-to-Wall and the Inverter. ForSplit Decision, ninjas must choose between an upper body andbalance obstacle. The top 2 runs of the night face off in thePower Tower where the winner gets a Safety Pass in the NationalFinals.
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    Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the series where knowledge willonly take you so far. A team of gaming enthusiasts take onthree animal lovers in this opening heat.
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    As Julien and Zsofia investigate Far Right politician KamillaAgoston, Emma finds a lead on Alex's computer that takes herand Julien to a shocking and bloody discovery.
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    As the Autobots and the Decepticons close in on it, theAllspark launches a defense system that alters perception anddisrupts all functionality.
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    Hooty tries to help King, Eda and Luz with their problems,but it doesn't go as planned.
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    Megatron acquires an advantage in locating the Allspark. TheMaximals mount a rescue attempt when the Predacons capture oneof their teammates.
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    Coming Soon...
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    The battle for money, justice and vengeance rages on,straining all parties involved as alliances shift and thevictim count rises.
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    Ted is surprised by the reappearance of a familiar face. Roytries out a new gig.
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    A lovely lake cabin may be haunted or the owner may be faking:a horror novelist seeks inspiration.
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    Dominique plans to launch her new fashion line as she andAlexis once again vie for the same thing, with nothing goingas planned for either of them. Meanwhile, as Sam and Culhanecontinue their business partnership they find themselvesrunning into a very unusual roadblock. Liam's research turns upsome interesting facts and he and Fallon devise a plan to findmore information but someone seems to be one step ahead of themso they once again turn to Jeff for help. Blake embarks on anew adventure.
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    Sancho has decided to execute his brother Alfonso and the restof Leonese nobles who support him, including Orduño. As soonas Alfonso is dead, Sancho will be crowned King of Leon, andas a reward for his services, he offers Ruy the title of Countwhen Orduño is executed. He can finally get everything he hasdreamed of: nobility, lands... and Jimena. But there issomething Ruy isn't counting on.
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    After Ruy's decisive intervention in the battle, Sancho ofCastile takes Galicia from his brother García. But this doesnot bring peace to the Iberian Peninsula. On the contrary: thefinal battle between Leon and Castile is approaching.Meanwhile, Ruy is forced to betray Amina.
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