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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Ask This Old House 19x24 - Flood Prevention, Deck Hangers
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    This Old House 42x26 - May 20, 2021
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    Together Again brings Finn and Jake together again, torediscover their brotherly bond and embark on the mostimportant adventure of their lives.
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    VICE News Tonight 6x219 - May 19, 2021
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    The team races to rescue victims of a sex trafficking ring thatis preying on disenfranchised women. Also, Hondo finds himselfat odds with Leroy and Darryl over the future of theirbusiness, and Street confronts Chris about meeting with hishospitalized mom.
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    Voight and the team pursue a ruthless crime ring whose businesshas hit close to home. As they dig deeper, the extent of thedanger becomes more apparent. Deputy Superintendent SamanthaMiller second-guesses her decisions.
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    Rome tries to help Tyrell find a productive outlet for hisfrustrations about the racial issues in America while Regina isdealing with her mother's concerns regarding the future ofSomeday. Meanwhile, Katherine and Eddie struggle to navigatethe waters of their relationship.
  8. until
    Jean and Danny embark on a trip to Iowa together with hopes oftaking their relationship to the next level, but ghosts fromJean's past life make it difficult for them to move forward.After becoming addicted to true-crime television, Jackie,Freddie and Lane realize they don't know much about Danny andfear that he could be a murderer.
  9. until
    The cause of the infamous Hindenburg crash has baffled expertsfor over 80 years, with theories about the airship's fireranging from deliberate sabotage to a spark generated by thestormy conditions in which it landed. But new,never-before-seen amateur footage of the crash has surfaced,showing the airship's final seconds from a fresh angle and inunrivaled clarity. Taking clues from the footage and othersources, NOVA leads a fresh investigation at a leadingscientific lab with eye-opening experiments that point to afinal solution of the mystery.
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    Severide and Casey try to find the best fit for Kidd. Ritter,Gallo and Violet help plan an event for Mouch.
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    Bravo joins forces with Alpha team to protect a crucialNigerian pipeline that is under attack by Boko Haram. But whena team member is injured and Jason and Clay fight to save hislife, Bravo discovers that an even more dangerous enemy isattacking them.
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    Big changes are coming for the Conners, with not one but TWOproposals. Plus, Jackie uses her "JEOPARDY!" infamy to heradvantage.
  13. until
    Home Economics 1x7 - Opus Cabernet, 2015, 0
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    The final four singers sing their hearts out in the semi-finalsand Cluedle-Doo finally reveals himself in a not-to-be-missedunmasking.
  15. until
    Geoff shares with the JTP that he is planning on asking Ericato marry him and gives them the engagement ring forsafekeeping. Like any good romantic comedy, severalmiscommunications and misunderstandings between Geoff andErica's friends and family result in a potential derailing ofthe proposal, forcing Adam to step in to keep the couple'sspecial moment alive.
  16. until
    Married at First Sight 12x18 - Reunion, Part 1
  17. until
    Crockett worries he made a surgical error when a recenttransplant patient comes in with complications. Carol is onceagain in distress. Will and Natalie must take action to righttheir wrong.
  18. until
    AEW Wrestling 255x20 - #190 - Moody Center in Austin, TX
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    The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 11x1 - Episode 1
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    Teen Mom 2 11x3 - Garlic Breath
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    Return to Amish 6x9 - The Last Time You See Your Family
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    Everyone says the Season 7 finale of fantasy epic The NinthCircle was pretty disappointing; even show-runner SpencerMaguire is keen to move on to new projects. But not everyonethinks that it has to be the end of the matter. In fact, NinthCircle obsessive Simon Smethurst decides to visit his hero tohelp put things right. Because that's what the fans wouldwant…
  23. until
    The Weekly with Charlie Pickering 7x15 - Episode 15
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    A burst pipe plunges the ED into chaos. Iggy counsels twostressed out parents about their child. Gwen and Calvin havesome devastating news for Max.
  25. until
    A new deposition threatens Jeanette's case. A discovery causesCindy's suspicions about her own daughter to reach new heightsas her relationship with Greg becomes further strained.
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