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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Sharif comes up with a plan to use Omar's power to help raisethe funds needed to fix the neighborhood generator, but Anna'sappearance throws Omar off.
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    Rebel and a group of residents take a stand to fight for cleanwater. Meanwhile, Cassidy's new role puts the Stonemore casein jeopardy, and Grady grows frustrated when Rebel remainsconsumed with her work, and Cruz reaches his breaking point.
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    Blindsided and upset by Grady's sudden change of heart, Rebelproceeds to help Cruz build their case against Stonemore andenlists Lana's assistance to convince a former patient to aidin their case. Meanwhile, Cassidy shares surprising news withCruz who is simultaneously dealing with trauma from his ownpast. Elsewhere, Nate tries to prove Rebel wrong and recruitsa colleague to help with his heart valve study.
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    Suddenly, Omar remembers what Dietmar told him before hedied, which possibly identifies the person responsible for theattacks on the neighborhood.
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    Omar and Anna regret having broken up and meet to see eachother at a comic fair. Seeking revenge, Rico plots to deceivesomeone from Sharif's intimate surroundings.
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    Anna has good news to give Omar, but gets angry when she hearshis revelation. Omar gets evidence to frame Rico, but Momosuffers the consequences.
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    Omar discovers that using his invisibility power createsproblems for Awa. Dismayed by what she has discovered, Annabreaks ties with her father.
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    An unlikely source offers Omar the chance to find out whatreally happened to his mother - and learn the truth behind hisorigin story.
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    Jean fears her family is drifting apart so she brings everyonetogether for a game night that doesn't go as planned.
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    June plots revenge at the local Jezebels, before she and theHandmaids plan to leave the farm for the next safe house. InToronto, Moira deals with the fallout of June's choices, andSerena and Fred are bound together by a miracle.
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    Nancy's birthday dinner with Carson is cut short when DetectiveTamura shows up with a warrant to arrest her for contempt ofcourt. Meanwhile, George, Bess and Ace work together tosummon up one of their ancestors to help locate Odette'sEnglishwoman lover Mary's soul amongst billions in the spiritworld.
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    Bravo is tasked with bringing a defecting Boko Haram lieutenantinto U.S. custody, but the mission goes sideways when thetarget gets attacked. Also, Sonny drops the ball as Bravo'srep on the U.S.S. Keating, and the entire team pays the price.
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    A mysterious caller who is in danger relies on Kidd to helpsave her and her brother. The firehouse helps Cruz get readyfor fatherhood.
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    When Tom and Sarah discover that their parents have beenspending time at Connor's house and not theirs, jealousy rearsits ugly head. But when it looks like there might be moregrandparent time for everyone, they learn to be careful whatthey wish for.
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    Following Erica and Geoff's breakup, Murray decides to takeErica out on a daddy-daughter date to cheer her up. Meanwhile,Adam is excited to participate in the school senior prank untilhis conscience catches up with him and he enlists Beverly'shelp to get him out of it.
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    As Nicky and Henry follow a new lead that brings them to aprivate collector in Napa, a tension-filled dinner with theSoong's leaves Althea to question her worth. Elsewhere, Evan'ssuspicions about Henry continue to grow.
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    An auto accident sends Goodwin into a spiral as she tries tohelp a young boy and his mother. Natalie's secretive behaviorbegins to draw the attention of Dr. Marcel and Dr. Halstead.
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    On the run, an injured June and the fugitive Handmaids findrefuge at a farm, where the 14-year-old Wife nurses June backto health. June restores her role as the women's leader. InGilead, an imprisoned Lawrence tries to avoid a deathsentence, and Aunt Lydia reels from the loss of 86 children onAngels' Flight. The combative Waterfords, in custody inToronto, learn of June's feat.
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