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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Meet some incredible kids who may be little but have big dreamsand big talent! 5-year-old drum major KEITH JACOBS transformsthe studio into his own football field for a show-stoppingperformance. Then, 7-year-old ELLIS TANG shares her love ofbaking and decorating cakes with her mom. The 8-year-old artprodigy JULIETTE LEONG creates a new work of art in minutes -live in front of the Tam Fam. And a performance from12-year-old VICTORY BRINKER who holds the Guinness World Recordfor being the youngest opera singer ever.
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    The surprising and heartfelt stories behind viral videos peopleof which can't get enough! GRAMMY® Award-winning artist TEEDRAMOSES went viral for her NPR "Tiny Desk" concert. Now, she'sgiving the Tam Fam a DAYTIME EXCLUSIVE performance of her hit"Be Your Girl." Plus, how a mom reunited with the son she gaveup for adoption with a chance encounter at Walmart. Then, aman jumps out of the car to rescue a dog from an icy stream -the amazing reunion with its owner. And a content creator wentviral for her food reviews, then found out it was againstcompany policy. What happened next?
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    TV personality, renowned attorney and heart disease survivorSTAR JONES joins the Tam Fam. Then, powerful stories of peoplebattling mystery illnesses – how trusting their instincts andadvocating for themselves ultimately led to the right diagnosisand treatment they desperately needed.
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    Tamron makes a big announcement! Then, a DAYTIME EXCLUSIVEwith CRAIG CONOVER from Bravo's hit reality show "SouthernCharm" joins the Tam Fam after his highly publicized breakup toaddress his side of the story. The self-proclaimed Male MarthaStewart also discusses his love of cooking, gardening andsewing. And content creator JOSEPH OAKLEY explores the myth ofthe messy bachelor apartment. Plus, are single men emotionallyunavailable? Dating coach and professional wingman THOMASEDWARDS joins us with the guy being called "The Internet'sLatest Crush," GRANT MAGDANZ.
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    Rowan is determined to save Lasher: Cortland becomes anunlikely adversary.
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    Shane Gillis will host "Saturday Night Live" for the secondtime on March 1. Gillis is the star and co-creator of theseries "Tires," which returns this year for its second seasonon Netflix.Tate McRae will take the stage as musical guest forthe second time. Her highly anticipated third album, "So CloseTo What," is set for release Feb. 21.
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    SpongeBob becomes desperate when he accidentally gets pinnedunder his exercise equipment and must wait for help to arrive.
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    Our guests, each using their unique voices, skills andexperiences, share their faith journeys with the Tam Fam.Social media star, comedian, actress and philanthropistPRETTY VEE talks about how her faith helped her find herpurpose and shares her new 100-day devotional, "The PrettyVictory." Next, hear the heartwarming story of CJ and hismom, KRISTEN MATTHEWS, who created "Blankies 4 My Buddies"after a tragic pregnancy loss in their family. Now 17 yearsold, CJ's small project has grown into an organization thatbrings small tokens of comfort to children dealing withtraumatic situations like grief and loss to chronic illnessesand homelessness; plus a performance from GRAMMY-nominatedartist RYAN ELLIS.
  9. until
    Drew dedicates the entire show to breast-related topics: brafitting expert Kimmay Caldwell helps two audience membersfigure out the right bras for them. Drew, Valerie Bertinelli,actress Ilana Glazer and Dr. Kameelah Phillips have around-table discussion about breasts; a study reports thatmost women are unhappy with their breast size; how theirrelationships with their breasts have changed.
  10. until
    Author Julie Morgenstern shares suggestions for time managementfor people looking to get their lives organized; Drew, Ross,Sunny Anderson and Valerie Bertinelli cover the latest stories.Sunny Anderson and Valerie Bertinelli prepare an easy anddelicious seven-minute supper you can make at home: gochujangglazed beef with steamed broccoli and herbed rice; Sunny andVal help Drew feature time-management gadgets.
  11. until
    Drew and Ross Mathews cover the headlines: Dan Souza and LisaMcManus ("America's Test Kitchen") whip up a delicious dish inthe kitchen with Drew and Ross. Mekki Leeper ("St. DenisMedical"); Luke Wilson ("No Good Deed").
  12. until
    Valerie Bertinelli and Sunny Anderson ("The Kitchen") hit theheadlines with Drew and Ross; Drew Crew Pro Tips: ZannaRoberts Rassi demonstrates how to achieve the latest fashiontrend, and Mikel Welch shows the latest design hacks. SunnyAnderson ("The Kitchen") joins Drew and Valerie Bertinelli inthe kitchen to share her recipe for turkey chili; Drew andValerie spotlight an incredible mom making a difference in hercommunity.
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    E! News 25x31 - 022625
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    It's Drew's big 50th birthday show -- an entire show filledwith surprises as Drew celebrates this big milestone! Drew'sbig birthday celebration continues, and her besties RossMathews and Valerie Bertinelli have plenty of surprises forher.
  15. until
    As Public Eye reaches number one, Helen is blindsided by afront-page article revealing her history of mental healthstruggles and institutionalisation. As she considers how torespond, she focusses her energy on a special report about themental health system.
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    The court must deal with the consequences of Saul':smadness, Samuel is on the run from a sinister agent, and anefarious shadow assembles a legendary ally in his plan toconquer Israel. Out in the fields of Bethlehem, David has anencounter that will change the course of history forever.
  17. until
    2002. As the mothers': campaign group starts to build itscase against the council, they're met with what feelslike an impossible obstacle.
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    After Travis insults a sponsor, Isla does damage control -with catastrophic results. Ali helps a bewildered Jackie adjustto his new position.
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    After Colter is hired to find a missing singer linked to aviolent crime, he discovers his target is a stoicsurvivalist, not unlike himself.
  20. until
    Tyrannis': favorite singer Stavros is in town! But he alsohappens to be the favorite singer of Athena and her radicalfollowers. Meanwhile, Deliria goes on a little getaway.
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    Paw Patrol 11x34 - Pups Save the Stage Actor
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    Paw Patrol 11x33 - Pups Save Frogstock
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    The Pioneer Woman 39x6 - Ree's New Garden
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    During a hiking trip, Powell and Gamble stumble upon anillegal weed farm and find themselves taking on a dangerouscartel.
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    This week features a one-on-one interview with Hon. ChrystiaFreeland, former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada and PrimeMinister of Canada candidate. This week's panel discussionincludes Rahm Emanuel, former U.S. Ambassador to Japan,former mayor of Chicago, and former chief of staff toPresident Obama; and Fareed Zakaria, author, columnist forThe Washington Post, and host of the CNN podcast "FareedZakaria's GPS."
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