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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Nick Cannon, Quincy, and Tevin Campbell battle it out ingames: R&Beef, Sex, Flix and Chill, Kick'Em Out theClassroom, and the Wildstyle battle. Tevin Campbell performs"Can We Talk."
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    Nick Cannon, Bryce Vine, Tamar Braxton, and Keith L.Williams battle it out in games: So Fly,Talkin' Spit,R&Beef, and the Wildstyle battle. Bryce Vine performs"Gold Rush.
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    When a massive sunken tree blocks the local waterway, MattCarlson uses his boat and a rope to try to haul the stump tosafety.
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    Nikki &amp: Brie Bella chat about "The Bellas Podcast" andtheir wine label Bonita Bonita. D.B. Woodside promotes histelevision show, "The Night Agent."
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    Drew is joined by "Tiny, Beautiful Things" star Kathryn Hahn.Drew and Ross Mathews are serving the news sunny-side up. Drewand Ross Mathews are covering the hottest stories in an all-newDrew's News. "Will Trent" star Ramón Rodríguez is joiningDrew and they're making a delicious pizza bagel.
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    On an all new episode of Ridiculousness, Rob, Steelo andspecial guest, Lolo Wood break out the instruction manuals forUSING THINGS WRONG, shine a light on some SHADOW FUN and runwild in the aisles of GROCERY STORE PLAYGROUNDS.
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    In an all new episode of Ridiculousness, Rob and Steelowelcome Lolo Wood to chug some water in STAYIN' HYDRATED,experience small town terror in LIVING IN HORRORVILLE, anddiscover the importance of having good aim in JUST MISSED.
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    Tisha Campbell drops by to talk about her film, "Every BreathShe Takes."
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    Drew and Ross Mathews are covering today's hottest headlineslike the reactions to the "Barbie" trailer and the popular newmeetup event called "the not working experience." "Praise This"star Chloe Bailey is telling Drew about being friends withBeyonce and is playing a round of "Who knew, don't spew"eating their least favorite foods. Danny Seo is joining theDrew's News desk to cover headlines like the 93-year-old whowent viral for her dating do's and don't's and the study thatfound a lot of Americans only clean once every six months.D-I-Y guru Sarah Teresinski is sharing easy ways to spruce upyour space with some greenery.
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    Rob Riggle promotes his documentary, "Plastic Earth." SamClaflin stops by to discuss "Daisy Jones & the Six."
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    "Pretty Baby" star Brooke Shields is telling Drew all about hernew documentary and is joined by executive producer of the filmAli Wentworth. Drew and Ross Mathews are serving the newssunny-side up and covering topics like the study that foundmany single people don't think they'll find "the one" and thenew trait researchers have discovered humans have in commonwith apes. Angelica McCullar is sharing an easy hack for loosejeans. "Sweeney Todd" Broadway revival star Jordan Fisher istelling Drew behind-the-scenes facts of the show and what it'slike to work with Josh Groban as a big fan of his.
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    Tan France joins Jennifer on the couch to chat about hisNetflix reality competition show, "Next In Fashion."
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    Kellyoke: "Glory Days": Awkwafina: Brilliant Detroit: blindwoodworker; Charles Esten chats and performs.
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    "The Neighborhood" star Cedric the Entertainer is telling Drewabout his twenty years of marriage and being back on the roadagain doing comedy shows. Then, Cedric is joining Drew andRoss Mathews at the Drew's News desk to cover topics like whybad dad jokes might actually be good parenting and the studythat found many people tell their pets secrets. Drew and RossMathews are covering the hottest headlines in an all-new Drew'sNews like the study that found laughter can be a giveaway forromantic attraction and the internet debate over the differenttypes of cooks – those who clean while cooking and those whoclean after. "Schitt's Creek" star Emily Hampshire is tellingDrew all about her audition for the show with a memorable sceneand her new book that shares a similar inspiration with theshow. Eitan Bernath is joining Drew in the kitchen to whip upan everything bagel casserole.
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    A clue to Owen's past provides a lead. Jake and Jules startpiecing together how much trouble the Michaels family is in.
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    A royal visitor at The Gordon Ford Show gives Midge a chance toshine.
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    The team races to uncover the identities of kidnappers holdinga prison guard's family hostage before it's too late. Also,Tan is faced with a difficult personal decision.
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    Tariq demands answers after a startling revelation shakes upthe relationships in his life - both business and personal.Tragedy brings the Tejadas to the brink of war as they workwith the Castillos to enact revenge.
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