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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies 1x3 - So This Is Rydell
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    Bel-Air 2x9 - Episode 9
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    In a desperate last stand, Jean-Luc Picard and generations ofcrews both old and new fight together to save the galaxy fromthe greatest threat they've ever faced as the saga of StarTrek: The Next Generation comes to a thrilling, epicconclusion.
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    After Sam learns that Carol invaded her privacy, the two havean explosive fight, leaving Bob to try to mediate; just asthings are going well with Peter, Felicia gets an unwelcomevisitor from her past.
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    Katherine and Greta celebrate their wedding in spite of severalsetbacks. Regina faces tough competition, while Maggie andGary navigate parenting decisions.
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    After a betrayal, both Suze and Sare realise they are morealike than they initially thought.
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    Lucy tries to up her telly game with quiz show lessons fromRussell Kane, Jon and Lucy get help from a relationshiptherapist, and Jon manages to anger the usually unflappableDan Walker.
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    In the fourth episode, Kiell Smith-Bynoe finds himself playingbingo without any shoes on. Mae Martin plays an unusual butpotentially brilliant drum solo. And all the comedians createboats to carry eggs in a race involving eggs (in boats).
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    The Lords are at their lowest ebb, and the game might be upfor Cindy. Meanwhile, Albert is back on the rise - but for howlong?
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    Susie is honored at the Friars Club.
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    Coming Soon...
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    Coming Soon...
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    Coming Soon...
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    After Sam learns that Carol has invaded her privacy, the twohave an explosive fight, leaving Bob to try to mediate. Andjust as things are going well with Peter, Felicia gets anunwelcome visitor from her past.
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    Sam questions if she can move on at work from her old selfwhile also trying to navigate a relationship with a"normie". Carol snoops around Sam's room and makesa terrible discovery. Joel and James have a night out.
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    Omega Sector has a new mission to manipulate the girlfriend ofa hedge fund CEO in an attempt to collect sensitive data aboutthe company to determine if they have been responsible formajor catastrophes and loss of human life.
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    Ark One tries to broker peace with their adversary but don'trealize it could cost them everything.
  18. until
    Ally joins the tour to rekindle an old flame, while Dave looksto ignite a new one.
  19. until
    Katherine and Greta celebrate their wedding in spite of severalsetbacks. Regina faces tough competition, while Maggie andGary navigate parenting decisions.
  20. until
    The Snowfall saga comes to an end.
  21. until
    Atwater's worlds collide when there's a shooting at thebuilding he owns in Burnside, which leaves a child dead.Atwater must confront his relationship with his father, Lew,as the brutal case forces them together.
  22. until
    After a fun night out with Sam and Dennis, Nell winds up sickin bed and wanting to be left alone. Meanwhile, Lexi convincesSam and Dennis to join her for lunch, which spirals into amuch longer commitment.
  23. until
    Abbott Elementary takes a field trip to the Franklin Institute.Gregory is eager to spend time with a reluctant Janine who isavoiding him. Ava teaches the students about aliens, leadingto chaos when someone spots an extraterrestrial in the museum.
  24. until
    Three top chefs from Northern California's world-famous winecountry compete to show off their superior vintage. Guy Fieriwelcomes them to the market with a gift basket full of localartisanal goods that they must feature in their signature dish.Then, the chefs play Spin the Wine Bottle to determine thenot-so-romantic budget they'll have to make a romantic dinner.The winning chef will get to shop wine country's favoritemarket for up to ,000!
  25. until
    Boden, Ritter, Herrmann and Kidd work together to take down alocal politician responsible for a chemical fire. After hisaunt's accident, Gallo worries about their future. Brett stepsin to perform Dylan's magic show when he's out of town.
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