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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, KeyshawnJohnson, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
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    Judy Justice 2x97 - Episode 97
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    Most Expensivest 4x10 - Hidden Treasures
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    Dr. Marcus Andrews introduces some of the team to a patientwhose optimism and faith seems to cause Dr. Asher Wolke themost skepticism in light of his own relationship withreligion.
  5. until
    It's Spring Break for GAU, but the well-deserved break bringssome big changes when an old friend surprises Spencer andJordan, Olivia searches for the courage to share her truth,Patience has a decision to make as her career skyrockets, andLayla has an eye-opening conversation.
  6. until
    Facing career-ending accusations and potential jailtime, Perrymust turn to Strickland to stay ahead of the prosecution –and Lydell. With the Gallardos' fate in the balance, Dellapresses Hamilton for answers, while Paul enlists Clara toinfiltrate a wealthy white suburb in pursuit of the truth.
  7. until
    Bob ♥ Abishola 5x18 - A Hundred CCs of Handsome
  8. until
    When Abishola learns that Bob talked Chukwuemeka into proposingto Kemi, she takes it upon herself to try to fix thesituation. Also, Kofo permanently alters his relationship withGoodwin when he considers signing a lease in Olu and Tunde'sapartment building.
  9. until
    Capt. Glenn is hopeful Colin's plan to fix the engine works:chef Ileisha has problems at dinner; the guests blame Daisyfor the lack of service.
  10. until
    Noah Cyrus serves as mentor, offering advice to contestantshoping to earn America's vote.
  11. until
    WWE Monday Night RAW 30x16 - #1560 - Simmons Bank Arena inNorth Little Rock, AR
  12. until
    The 118 race to the rescue at emergencies at a commercialbakery and a bodybuilding competition; Bobby's annualperformance reviews sends Chimney to the firefighter academywhere he runs into a familiar face; Eddie's aunt gets involvedin his personal life; Maddie helps a nervous teen suffering apanic attack.
  13. until
    There's no better way to show you're in love than withdelicious desserts baked from the heart. Host Jesse Palmer hasthe bakers pull out all the stops to create breakfast-in-bedmuffin towers and decadent chocolate pies in hopes of wooingjudges Duff Goldman, Kardea Brown and Nancy Fuller.
  14. until
    Singer-songwriter Allen Stone mentors hopefuls vying forAmerica's first open vote of the season.
  15. until
    Performing with a band for the first time, Idol hopefuls singtheir hearts out in their last chance to make it to America'svote. In the Final Judgment, two pairs of contestants face offwith the judges sealing their fate for the next round.
  16. until
    Performing with a band for the first time, Idol hopefuls singtheir hearts out in their last chance to make it to America'svote. In the Final Judgment, two pairs of contestants face offwith the judges sealing their fate for the next round.
  17. until
    Coming Soon...
  18. until
    Dr. Marcus Andrews introduces some of the team to a patientwhose optimism and faith seems to cause Dr. Asher Wolke themost skepticism in light of his own relationship with religion.
  19. until
    Post-visit from Fen, Selby enters a heated conversation withhis therapist. After receiving surprising news that may turnaround her future, Costello ties up some loose ends beforeleaving London - but slowly starts to spiral back into badhabits.
  20. until
    Facing career-ending accusations and potential jailtime, Perrymust turn to Strickland to stay ahead of the prosecution - andLydell. With the Gallardos' fate in the balance, Della pressesHamilton for answers, while Paul enlists Clara to infiltrate awealthy white suburb in pursuit of the truth.
  21. until
    Coming Soon...
  22. until
    Idol waves aloha to Aulani Resort, wrapping up two nights ofincredible performances. Noah Cyrus serves as mentor, offeringadvice to contestants hoping to earn America's vote.
  23. until
    The 118 race to the rescue at emergencies at a commercialbakery and a bodybuilding competition; Bobby's annualperformance reviews sends Chimney to the firefighter academywhere he runs into a familiar face; Eddie's aunt gets involvedin his personal life; Maddie helps a nervous teen suffering apanic attack.
  24. until
    Calvin and Marty encounter difficulties trying to securefinancing for their new business; Dave invites his boss toGrover's 13th birthday party, much to Gemma's frustration.
  25. until
    Hoping to revive the GAU football program, Spencer and Jordantake a page from the Billy Baker playbook and revisit someformer football stars as potential walk-ons... without CoachKenny's blessing. Olivia, Layla and Patience look for anescape from their current life stressors and ultimatelyrediscover themselves in the process. JJ tries to straddlefootball and the fraternity, and Coop gets great news but itmay cost her something precious.
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