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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
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    Billy and Rihanna run away - but can the gang catch them intime?
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    Darcy discovers just how bad things are at home for Billy, andhe has to decide whether to tell Mr Stewart. Meanwhile anEnglish assignment forces Rani to find her voice.
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    Ex-cop Mike seizes an opportunity to pay off his gambling debtsand heads to Florida, where he reunites with his dad and makesa startling discovery.
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    Oumar seeks revenge - and insurance - after the policeconfiscated his stash. Yasmina decides she's had enough;Souhila reassesses her parenting approach.
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    School elections are approaching and both sides reexamine whatthey stand for. Newcomer Hazel is on her first day at Rydelland tries to remain impartial - and invisible.
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    The sisters are on the road but it isn't long before they findthemselves in a compromising position.
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    Bryann's efforts to help Lina land him in hot water withSouhila. Samuel and Fara work together as a last resort tocorner Oumar once and for all.
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    As Louiza's doubt grows, Fara stands defiant in the face ofsabotage - but it comes at a cost. A risky plan backfires,embroiling the family in conflict.
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    Reeling from the fire, the sisters pursue a new way to settleup with Oumar. A star-studded night out turns sour when Linaruns into a familiar face.
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    Oumar's lackeys pressure Fara to use her platform to takeSamuel down, spiking Alban's curiosity. Lina makes a newfriend; Yasmina stresses over money.
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    With infections rising rapidly, and threatening the broaderpopulation, David and Jeremy adopt a bold new approach -terrifying people into paying attention.
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    After seizing the drugs from Sélim's car, Samuel makes anappeal to Fara. Lina's rebellious behavior during Ramadancauses Souhila to fly off the handle.
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    Fresh off shocking news from Danny, Rae reveals who reallydropped off the missing money - causing Clare to bring Raealong on a mad dash road trip to Clare's childhood home. In thepast, Clare rushes to get Lucas to the hospital for Frankie'slast days.
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    As Clare deals with her Tik-Tok-famous Montana confrontationand Rae's recent partying, she's haunted by a letter writerwho desperately needs Sugar's advice. In the past, Young Clarelearns of Frankie's diagnosis and desperately tries to saveher.
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    Ronald and other jurors move into their hotel and adjust tosequestered life.
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    Danny and Clare take a good (ahem) hard look at their sex lifeas a letter writer writes in about her boyfriend's secretshame. Meanwhile, Rae grapples with letting Montana back intoher life as she realizes she might just have the upper hand.
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    Clare and Amy attend a writer's retreat, but when Amy getsgreat news, Clare can't help but question if her sacrificesfor Danny and their family have been holding her back. As sheremembers her first marriage to Jess, she wonders: should shestay or go?
  22. until
    When a furious Rae tells Clare and Danny that she doesn't wantto go back to her school, Clare remembers her own collegeexperience with Frankie - and the reason she never got herdegree.
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    Danny and Clare try to untangle their relationship - and Rae'sthreesome - as Clare considers her path not taken. In thepast, Young Clare finds out she's pregnant with Rae.
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    Clare grapples with whether or not she wants to become Sugar asshe reels from trouble at work and with Rae. In the past,Young Clare and Young Lucas must confront their grief atFrankie's funeral. If Clare can't figure out her own life, canshe be Sugar?
  25. until
    We meet Clare as her husband, Danny, has kicked her out oftheir home for giving her brother Lucas their daughter Rae'scollege fund. But an old friend needs someone to take on hisadvice column Dear Sugar. And it might be exactly what Clareneeds.
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