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Animal Control 1x8 - Hellhounds and Sturgeons
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilVictoria and Patel encounter Fish and Game officers while on acall. Animal Control dispatch radios with a report of anaggressive attack dog on the loose. -
untilA construction tycoon interferes with an SVU investigation intoher family. Carisi struggles to get an indictment when thecomplainant backs down.
Ask This Old House 21x17 - Fireplace Painting: Bathtub Tray
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilUpgrading a fireplace: different landscape tools and how tomaintain them for spring; building a bathtub tray out ofzebrawood. -
untilPreparation begins for the new foundation: a centuries-oldcistern is uncovered; assessing the original timber framestructure; the original floorboards and roof sheathing aresalvaged for later use; inspecting the sill for water damage.
untilAs the chefs continue to compete as their individual selves,they are challenged to create one perfect appetizer dish andpair it with a beautiful craft cocktail. The chefs learn that anew element has been added to the competition, "the timetoken," giving the chef with the winning dish the chance toadd an extra 10 seconds to the start of their platform grab orthey can use it to take 10 seconds away from a competitor oftheir choosing. One chef's dreams will come to an end.
untilWith the World Championship VII tournament just around thecorner, the race for the Giant Nut kicks into top gear.Tonight's fight card features some of the biggest names in thesport jockeying for tournament seedings in their final fight ofthe qualifying rounds. And in what could be a preview of thisyear's Championship Final, in the MAIN Event, for the firsttime ever SawBlaze will face the formidable flipping power ofHydra.
untilWhen a young woman dies a slow and painful death from anuntreated infection, Cosgrove and Shaw suspect she was underthe influence of a powerful cult. Price and Maroun put pressureon its members to find the cult's true mastermind.
untiliMPACT Wrestling 20x14 - Episode 14
untilTroy runs into big trouble in his favorite honey hole. Danielchases a legendary gator known as The Pirate. Leron andPorkchop battle a voodoo curse and confront a zombie gator.Black Rambo answers a call for help from his grandpa. WhileAshley faces off against a gun-snatching beast.
Restaurant: Impossible 22x15 - Trick or Treat
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilThe owner of the Dutch Treat in Franconia, NH, has lost thedesire to keep his family restaurant going; his wife is morethan willing to help, but no matter what she and Robert Irvinedo, the Dutch Treat doesn't stand a chance without amanager. -
untilA seller walks into the shop hoping to score with his MagicJohnson 50th birthday invitation. Is the deal a slam dunk?Then, Chum takes a look at some joker playing cards used asprops in "The Dark Knight." Will he play his cards right, orwill the seller pull a disappearing act? Next, Corey heads tothe range to test out a Civil War-era derringer. Will he pocketthis pistol, or shoot it down? And later, Rick's radar picksup a box of ship models used to train the U.S. Navy duringWorld War II. Can he helm this deal, or is it a losing battle?
untilKatie and Schwartz celebrate a milestone in their breakup withan extravagant dinner that quickly goes south; Scheana eruptson Lala for skipping wedding events to avoid Raquel; Jamesmust atone for his behavior when his temper gets the best ofhim.
untilA confrontation during a girls-night dinner opens a riftbetween Lindsay and Danielle; Ciara considers a fling as a newman joins the house; everyone gets ready to send it at Kyle's40th birthday party.
untilNicky and Noah find out their dad has a new boo: Anthony andFay look after Wyatt's plants while he's away; Sherm dates amommy, and there's wine.
Live with Kelly & Ryan 7x142 - Taron Egerton, Heather Graham,guest co-host Katie Lowes
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilActress KATIE LOWES co-hosts with Ryan. Ryan and Katie talkwith actor TARON EGERTON about the new film "Tetris," andactress HEATHER GRAHAM is in-studio. -
Tamron Hall 255x59 - Tamron's Tasting Table ‒ Spring HolidayEdition
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilKicking off with KRISTEN KISH, serving up some of her seasonalvegetable favorites and chats about her new series "Restaurantsat the End of the World." Chef DANIEL THOMAS shares a brunchfor Easter or Passover, and international chef FARIYALABDULLAHI whips up her yogurt compote creation to celebrateRamadan with the Tam Fam! -
Live with Kelly & Ryan 7x141 - Kyra Sedgwick, Harry Shum Jr.,guest co-host Katie Lowes
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilActress KATIE LOWES joins Ryan at the co-host desk! ActressKYRA SEDGWICK catches up with the hosts, and actor HARRY SHUMJR. breaks down the latest on ABC's hit series "Grey'sAnatomy." -
untilHot Ones 20x10 - Episode 10
untilMy Next Chapter: Tamron has the daytime exclusive interviewwith the most talked about influencer today: BLAC CHYNA opensup about her decision to take fans on her life-changingspiritual journey to remove her plastic and cosmetic surgeryand return to her birth name, Angela. Plus, actor MAURICEBENARD on celebrating the 60th anniversary of "GeneralHospital" and the 30th anniversary of his character, Sonny. Hewill also discuss his podcast, "Maurice Benard: State ofMind."
Tamron Hall 255x57 - There's Truth in Jokes
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilActor and comedian JAY PHAROAH takes his impressions to thenext level in the new film "Spinning Gold." Then, KIM FIELDSis back to chat about the new season of the hit comedy "TheUpshaws." Comedian and actress JUDY GOLD and director BD WONGdiscuss their new play, "Yes, I Can Say That!" -
untilTamron has the daytime exclusive interview with the most talkedabout influencer today, BLAC CHYNA opens up about her decisionto take fans on her life-changing spiritual journey to removeher plastic and cosmetic surgery and return to her birth name,Angela. Plus, GRAMMY-nominated singer-songwriter turned authorAMERIE joins Tamron to discuss her children's book, "You WillDo Great Things."
Watch What Happens Live 20x58 - Ce-LEE-brate Good Times!
Midnight posted a calendar event in TV Calendar: At My TV
untilThe Stud of the Sea will sit down with Andy Cohen to look backat all of his years spent yachting on the show. In addition toCaptain Lee, fans can also expect to see a few familiar facespopping up throughout the episode, including former crewmembers, charter guests, and celebrity devotees. -
untilSummer House 7x7 - Episode 7