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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Multiplatinum recording artist and "American Idol" judge LIONELRICHIE joins Ryan at the co-host desk for the day! Ryan andLionel chat with actor DENNIS QUAID about the upcoming film "Ona Wing and a Prayer," and actress LAUREN AMBROSE stops by.
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    GRAMMY Award®-winner for Best New Artist SAMARA JOY talksabout her amazing year and performs "Can't Get Out of ThisMood" from her album "Linger Awhile." Plus, Tamron surprises afifth grader whose music sparked a movement on TikTok. Then,Emmy®-winning actor GLYNN TURMAN on his celebrated newdocumentary, "The Legend of Glynn Turman."
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    Watch What Happens Live 20x57 - Porsha Williams, GizelleBryant
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    Feeling of Feeling – 60 MINUTES explores advancements inartificial prosthetics technology that can now restore a senseof touch. Scott Pelley speaks with volunteers of experimentalresearch who underwent surgery to advance this breakthroughtechnology.Silicon Valley Scandal – Ina and David Steiner,authors of a newsletter that reported on players in thee-commerce business – Craigslist, eBay, and Etsy – sitdown for their first interview with 60 MINUTES. SharynAlfonsi speaks with the couple who were stalked and harassedwith violent threats directed by eBay senior managers in anattempt to stop the Steiners' news reporting.CharlesBarkley – As the NCAA Tournament continues, Jon Wertheimprofiles NBA Hall of Famer and, perhaps more recognizably,colorful TV basketball commentator Charles Barkley. Wertheiminterviews Barkley in his hometown of Leeds, Ala., andretraces his roots from a junior high gym to becoming a collegebasketball star, joining the NBA, and ultimately launching asuccessful broadcasting career.
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    In Gwinnett County, a veteran and rookie detective untangle aweb of lies as they work to solve a young woman's mysteriousdeath.
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    A house is burgled but the prime suspect was locked up in apolice cell at the time. It's up to Esther to rally adevastated Humphrey and solve this impossible crime.
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    Kevin, Jordan, Andre and his mother pull out all the actionmovie stops on their mission to confront the enemy, and aftera few bumps in the road and a near-miss with a chain saw,they're all in position, except Andre.
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    The spirits enlist Dawn to help Maddie recall her last livingmoments which takes a heartbreaking turn. Nicole desperatelytries to keep a secret from being revealed. As the spiritsbegin to ask more questions, an unexpected turn of eventstakes place within their own.
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    Vadic forces Picard to make an impossible choice: deliver whathe can never give... or watch his crew perish. Their onlysalvation lies in the mind of an old friend and old foe.
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    Coming Soon...
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    When a drug bust goes sideways, the task force uncovers asinister robbery scheme targeting *** men. Bell vows to help afellow officer when he falls victim to the scheme.
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    Mariana has a big decision to make and turns to her visitingMoms for support. Joaquin questions whether Jenna is ready tobring Silas to justice. Alice tries to be productive at work,but grows impatient with her much-older fellow writers.
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    A bull rider shows up at Grey Sloan with severe injuries,forcing Maggie, Amelia, Owen and Blue to examine their ownbiases. Elsewhere, Simone can't find anyone to be her maid ofhonor, and Mika takes drastic measures to pay down her studentdebt.
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    Victoria and Patel encounter Fish and Game officers while on acall. Animal Control dispatch radios with a report of anaggressive attack dog on the loose.
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    Willie gets an unexpected boost at the perfect time: Ronnieand Timmy target a monster terrorizing a local marina; Donhustles to impress the "King of the Swamp" as Leronand Porkchop take on their most ambitious day ever.
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    A construction tycoon interferes with an SVU investigation intoher family. Carisi struggles to get an indictment when thecomplainant backs down.
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    Kat and Max have some news to share, but attempt to keep it asecret until after Sheila's big birthday bash; Carter breaks apre-wedding superstition and thinks he is cursed.
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    Coming Soon...
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    The crew finds themselves in the middle of a family dispute anda renovation that's gone off the rails. Ben crashes as Baileyand Carina go undercover at a crisis pregnancy center. Travispreps with Eli for a mayoral town hall.
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    With the World Championship VII tournament just around thecorner, the race for the Giant Nut kicks into top gear.Tonight's fight card features some of the biggest names in thesport jockeying for tournament seedings in their final fight ofthe qualifying rounds. And in what could be a preview of thisyear's Championship Final, in the MAIN Event, for the firsttime ever SawBlaze will face the formidable flipping power ofHydra.
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    When a young woman dies a slow and painful death from anuntreated infection, Cosgrove and Shaw suspect she was underthe influence of a powerful cult. Price and Maroun put pressureon its members to find the cult's true mastermind.
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    Parker pivots to the Panama Canal cut as he guns to clean outhis Indian River claims. The Beets crew discover a glory holethat could put them over the top. Fred throws a Hail Mary inthe Freedom Cut. The Clayton brothers get an ultimatum fromtheir dad.
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    Parker's push for a record season could cost him a wash plant.Tony gambles on resurrecting a 30-year-old beast to finish theseason. The Claytons must make a big move to reach the groundunder their wash plant.
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    Débora confronts Castro after learning about her past.Meanwhile, Eric embarks on a painful journey to examine whatis developing inside his chest.
  25. until
    While Luna goes through a life-changing healing experience deepwithin the forest, Eric finds it hard to control hisever-growing powers.
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