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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. until
    Lazo and Luna become friends while locked up in captivity.Meanwhile, Eric, Clarice and Inês try to invade Débora'ssecret auction to set them free.
  2. until
    After removing Bento's curse, Eric uses his new powers tosearch for Luna. Débora finds a new key to Marangatu and setsup a very private auction.
  3. until
    At Greg's request, Little Alex Horne has split his band fiveways for the sake of a task. This in turn leads to Jenny Eclairimparting her knowledge on trumpeters and piles. And FrankieBoyle shares some pretty strong opinions on golf.
  4. until
    Slasher 5x1 - TBA
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    Dr. Stone 3x1 - Episode 1
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    Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies 1x1 - We're Gonna Rule theSchool
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    School Spirits 1x7 - Séance Anything
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    Judy Justice 2x89 - Episode 89
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    External dilemmas throw Carlton and Will off track and preventthem from fully preparing for the Founder's Award.
  10. until
    Vadic forces Picard to make an impossible choice: deliver whathe can never give… or watch his crew perish. Their onlysalvation lies in the mind of an old friend and old foe.
  11. until
    Back in his hometown of Philadelphia, Dave grapples with hisromantic origin story, both in his art and in real life.
  12. until
    Into the Wild Frontier 2x8 - William Sublette: King of the FurTrade
  13. until
    Big Brother Canada 11x14 - Episode 14
  14. until
    Franklin and Gustavo set a plan in motion.
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    Gary feels the weight of his first Father's Day as a new dadand his first without his own father. Eddie deals with anemergency. Meanwhile, Rome searches for a suitable environmentfor Walter.
  16. until
    A tragic crime leads the team closer to the Beck family andtheir deadly ideology. Ruzek makes progress infiltrating theBecks, earning Samantha and Richard's trust with a bold move.
  17. until
    The situation onboard Ark One seems hopeless after crew membersare taken hostage.
  18. until
    Dave and the gang are on tour! First stop, Texas. Dave islooking for love, but Texas is looking for Lil Dicky.
  19. until
    The entire Tasker family takes a trip to Mexico for Harry'sannual computer sales family retreat, which Helen learns hasbeen an ongoing cover for his real job as a spy. The simplemission goes awry when a notorious spy hunter threatens to takeout the entire computer sales retreat to capture Omega Sectorspies while Dana and Jake are missing.
  20. until
    Gregory is named Educator of the Year. Later, Janine dealswith a difficult student, and it's revealed that Barbarahasn't completed her teaching requirements.
  21. until
    A familiar face returns to Firehouse 51 to serve with Kidd on aspecial task force. With Tony days away from breaking the CFD'sperfect attendance record, Mouch and Capp work to keep himsafe. Old memories and grudges resurface when Gallo reuniteswith a family member.
  22. until
    In tonight's word game, these battles answer the question ofwhich team is more in sync: married couples or longtime friends– resulting in a huge showdown.
  23. until
    Kenny was born with a rare condition that causes hundreds oflumps to grow all over his body; Ebonee covers the tiny bumpson her eyes with sunglasses; Paula's painful and swollen feetooze a substance that emits a foul odor.
  24. until
    Riverdale High's sock hop is around the corner and Archie hashis sights set on taking Veronica to the dance. Betty isconfused when Kevin appears uninterested in taking things tothe next level with her. Elsewhere, Jughead takes aim at PepComics, and Toni attempts to convince Cheryl to let Fangsperform at the sock hop.
  25. until
    Big Brother Canada 11x13 - Episode 13
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